
Friday, January 7, 2011

I need your advice. . .

When we moved into this house 3 1/2 years ago, I didn't like my kitchen cupboards or the flooring. They were brand new but not what I would have picked. Being the frugal cheep skate that I am, I couldn't imagine ripping out perfectly good cupboards and replacing them. I decorated around them and they have been okay. What I have wanted to do since day one was paint them. My kitchen is small and although it has tons of natural light, I don't want to paint them or gel stain them dark. I REALLY want to paint them cream. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because of the dust and grime that settles in the grooves. I am worried it will be high maintenance. I will have to use a butter knife to clean out all the gunk that is easily seen because of the light color. And I will have to touch up if it gets a chip or scuff. I already have to touch up the paint on my baseboards and door frames every once in a while, do I really want to add cupboards to the list? HELP! Have you painted your cupboards???? Do you like it??? Is is a pain to maintain???? AHHHH! I am so torn. I just convinced the hubs to let me replace the flooring ( that matches the cupboards) to a dark wood like the rest of the house. So I have to do something to them I guess. What should I do???


  1. I'm curious to see the responses to this post since I'd love to paint our oak cabinets white, but hubby is trying to put his foot down due to the dirt issue. Hope you get some good feedback!

  2. I have painted so many cabinets. I have loved all of them. I also have cream cabinets in my kitchen now, and the dirt has not been an issue. The secret to painting cabinets is to first use liquid sand. This both cleans and sands the furniture for you. Then after you use this product, use regular satin house paint. Cut in around the edges, and roll with a foam roller. I did this, and I none of my paint has chipped, and I love it! Hope this helps.

  3. This is one of my favorite blogs. Check it out. They are like pros at this stuff. :)

  4. Erin- did you prime first?

    Mama Moose- Thanks!

  5. Before we moved into our home the previous owners painted the wood cabinets white. Although having white cabinets does brighten my kitchen up. I don't enjoy having to touch them up with paint every so often. This could have to do with the type of paint they chose. I've heard oil-based paint works best for cabinets. I wipe my cabinets down at every night after I do the evening dishes. This is probably why I have to repaint them so much. Hope this helps, good luck with your decision.

  6. you could always add a glaze and then any dirt in the cracks would look intentional. Under My Umbrella recently did hers that way and they look fab!

    I too have the golden oak uglies in my house but have yet to decide on what to do with them. My hubby really likes the look of wood.

  7. We painted my moms cabinets. They were UGLY!!! We went with a light cream color and basically did the exact same thing that Mama Moose's link people did. We absolutely love them now. They are bright and clean looking and really open the room up.

    As far as dirt and touch ups and what not: We haven't had to touch up except for one spot where a toddler with a toy tried to take out a door, but other than that, no paint. If you simple wipe them down once a week and catch spills as they happen, then it stays clean!

    Do make sure to use a high quality paint. Very Important.

  8. I'm in the same boat except my cabinets are not new. Check out Censational Girl's cabinet painting post at

    She offers some great advice.

  9. I painted my kitchen cabinets when I bought my house. It completely transformed my kitchen (and bathroom)!!!!

    It probably helped that my house was old and yucky so I had nothing to lose by painting them. :)

    Yes, stuff does settle in the grooves, but it's pretty easy to clean (or maybe I just don't notice it like others? LOL). I've had no maintenance issues yet at all (it's been almost 2 years)...and I will admit to not doing all the proper steps when we painted them too (we were in a hurry).

    Here's the link to that post.

  10. I've wanted to paint my cabinets a cream color...but the walls are white so I would have to paint the walls a darker color...the floor is also to do the cabinets I would have to do a complete remodel!

  11. I painted my bathroom cabinet in the former house. I just gave it a light sanding and went for it. I used satin paint, it held up well. When I do the kitchen, I will use satin again. I will also probably add some door pulls to reduce the wear from fingers grabbing the corners.....

  12. Gloss or semi-gloss paint is meant for high traffic areas. Also, someone mentioned a glaze and I would recommend that also. I have white cabinets but are painted with semi-gloss. Wipes really easy and I haven't had to touch up with paint.

  13. I'm in the middle of painting my kitchen cabinets. I started with white, but changed my mind to the other end of the spectrum. If you decide to go for it, I'd love to see how it turns out!

  14. We painted our cupboards at our old house. We were very inexperienced and ending up doing a not-so-great job. I think if you just brush up on your paint tips, yours will be great! EVERYTHING you do looks great!

  15. We painted our kitchen cabs ivory/off-white/cream several years ago and have never regretted it! They make the room look more polished but also homey at the same time. Good luck whatever you decide to do!

  16. I just redid my cabinets this past July. I did all the upper cabinets a pretty color called navajo white from Sherwin Williams and the lower ones (under the counter) a deep espresso color. I absolutely love the change and haven't had to do any touchups or special cleaning. Maybe I'll try to get you a pic. :)

  17. I just personally love the look of wood, but if you like the paint looks like you got a great amount of tips to help you do a great job.

    Show us the before and after pics please.

  18. My cabinets aren't painted or wood (laminate), but they are white and I don't care for them. They look nice, but every little spot or drip or splash shows up immediately and I'm always wiping them down.

  19. I am also thinking about painting my kitchen cabinets - so thanks for asking and letting me see all the responses :) I saw that you are going to do your floors a dark color - but if you wanted to mix it up, I recently did my kitchen floors in cork - with a little twist:
    enjoy - and can't wait to see your kitchen!

    Hey Stacy - check out my blog on our home updates. We painted out cupboards WHITE!!! And I love them STILL. Its actually really easy to keep clean. Go ahead...take the plunge!
