
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Snowman Tutorial

Remember my rock snowmen that I made and now I want to keep them all? Well, here is a tutorial I shared on Tools Are For Women Too this past Friday.

I love snowmen! They are so charming. They can be silly or traditional. I decided to make some out of rocks this year. I had everything on hand so it didn't cost me a thing. But even if you had to pick up these supplies, it isn't very costly.

I found some rocks in my back yard that were round(ish) and washed them up really well. Then I used some heavy duty epoxy to glue them together. I usually like to use Devcon High Strength 5 Minute Epoxy but this Loctite worked well too. The Devcon brand was a little less stinky and set up quicker but the end result is the same.

Next I used a polymer clay (I LOVE Sculpey) to make the hat and carrot nose. Once you bake it is is very hard. I have been using this stuff since I was about 6 years old and I love it. It comes in all sorts of colors too if you don't want to have to paint it. I just always have the basic clay on hand so that is what I used.

I painted the rocks all white before gluing the hat and carrot on. Paint a face, add some buttons and scarf and you are done! I decided to glue mine to a board even though he was pretty steady. I have 4 boys who "look with their hands" so I thought it would be better.

I love that snowmen can stay out even past Christmas. They are a winter decoration so they last longer :)


  1. where do you find that clay? does michael's or walmart carry it?

  2. Yes, Michael's or Roberts carry it. I have never seen it at Walmart though.

  3. Yep. This is awesome! I think that is one of the cutest snowmen I've ever seen. Love it!

  4. I've been waiting for the tutorial. I am going to feature it tonight at

  5. So adorable & Clever too ;)

  6. I LOVE this! It has been in my "inspiration" and I will be sharing it on my blog today, Pink Little Notebook.

    Thanks SO much for sharing!!!
