
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bandette Review

I was contacted by a company called Vive Vita about reviewing one of their products. It is a reusable label for cups and sippy cups. It was created by parents of  9 kids (yep 9, that's not a typo) who were tired of fighting over whose cup was whose and the spreading of sick germs. It is genius I tell you!
They come in packs of three. There is a boy pack and a girl pack. I had casually mentioned that I have four boys and they sent me a fourth one! I thought that was so thoughtful :)
You can buy yours at Babies R Us or through Amazon.

How it works: You use a ball point pen to write your child's name on the "back" ( the side without the cute animal) and if you want it to be on there long term, you boil it for 10 minutes and let it cool. The boiling is what makes it permanent.  If you want it to come off so you can change what is written, rubbing it hard will erase it. You really don't even have to write their name on it if you don't want to though. You could just say "Suzie, you get the butterfly and Johnny you get the lion." Then they always know which is their cup.

I have had mine for a week or so and my kids have loved them. The only problem is that my 3 year old loves it so much he wants to pack it around even when it is not on a cup. I am worried it might get lost!
For the purpose of the review, I washed the Bandettes in the dishwasher every time I ran a load (which is A LOT at our house) to see if the names would come off. After being washed nearly a dozen times, it is as dark as it was before I started washing them. I should have taken a before picture. I guess you will just have to take my word for it.
Here is the after picture taken about 30 minutes ago. The picture is a little blurry, but you get the point.

This would be great if you have a day care, or send your child to a day care. Or even  if you babysit occasionally like I do. My boys' Bandettes will be permanent and the "guest" Bandettes can be temporary. That way I can change the name since who I babysit changes from day to day. With cold and flu season upon us this is such a great idea!

Vive Vita has other products for kids and your home. You can check them all out  by visiting their website


  1. I've seen stuff similar to those before. GREAT idea for having lots of kids! YAY Mommy of 9! --thanks for the review Stacy!

  2. Great idea!!! Thanks for the review!
