
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Because I know you are all DYING to know more. . .

Amy at The Idea Room did a post where she shared a little bit more about herself and challenged her readers to do the same and then link up. I had fun reading hers and thought I would give it a try.

I grew up in the country and I loved every minute of it! I had two older sisters and a younger brother. I am pretty sure I was the favorite. Although my siblings probably thought they were too.
                                                   (See? I have ALWAYS loved chocolate!)

I pretty much had zero fashion sense from the get go. I ran around like a wild child constantly getting dirty and pulling out any elastic or accessory my mom could put in my hair. She eventually gave up and cut it like a boy when I was 3. I loved bugs!!! I collected them, dead or alive. I so many animals in my room you would have thought it was a pet store. Gerbils, fish, birds, frogs, etc. My mom put her foot down when I wanted a tarantula though. I bawled for weeks!
We had horses, dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, and for a short while a lamb. I used my "puppy dog, pretty pretty please" eyes on my dad for that one. We were a very outdoorsy family with lots of fishing and camping trips. I love to fish and was always really good at gutting them. And of course, horse back riding.
(my bot cut was pretty cute when it grew out a little)

When I was 12 the very first grandchild was born in our family. . . on MY birthday! My niece was so fun! She was born with some special needs and had to go to physical therapy. I went with her several times and was so impressed with the therapists that I decided at 13 that it was what I wanted to go to school to be. I am stubborn and stick to my guns so when it was time to go to college I majored in Physical Therapy even though it isn't really my passion. If I could go back I would change my major to something more creative. And something that didn't involve dead bodies. It was YEARS before I could eat a roast after working on those cadavers. (shudder) I ended up getting married and having my first baby before I finished the full degree. If it had been something I loved I probably would have pushed more to get the last couple of semesters done for my bachelors. I would love to go back when I don't have little ones at home. I just need to decided what to major in this time!

I don't really wear makeup. For church sometimes and when I am going on a date with my hubby. I wore mascara sometimes in high school. I always wore blush though. I am VERY pale and everyone was always thinking I was sick. I got called casper several time too.

                                        (I didn't even wear it when I graduated with my associates)

I met my hubby while in college. He was quite the man on campus. He had tons of girls chasing him (sometimes literally!). I had never gone after a guy. It wasn't my style. I can be aggressive in other areas but not with that. Turns out he didn't like forward women :) We married young. He was 24 and I was almost 21. When you know it is right, why wait???

When I was 15 my dad died of cancer. It was one of the hardest things I have had to deal with. I was a daddy's girl. A tom boy who loved to follow him around and "help" him. Even though it has been a long time, I still ache for ONE more conversation with him. I still feel jipped that my husband and kids don't know him. He was hilarious and the life of the party. He had a temper (that I inherited) and was stubborn as a mule (which is probably why he loved and had mules) but was the most generous person I have ever known. He was always helping other with time and money. Man! I could go on and on! But I feel lucky that I  know I will get to see him again one day.

Well, as Shrek put it, those are some of my onion layers. I think you should do a post like this and link it up over at Amy's. I LOVE reading about other bloggers. It is fun :)


  1. That was fun to read. My brother and I were both nicknamed Casper in school. Now my husband (such a prince!)describes my colouring as 'fishbelly white'. So yes, a bit of blush never hurts.

  2. that was fun to read! I will have to work on one too...

  3. I can never seem to make my mind up on a degree either! I have started one changed my mind and dropped classes. Maybe one day I will decide one something also! I am new follower of yours and love reading the things you have to say!

  4. Oh my goodness! What a stinking small world! Just by seeing your pictures, I immediately recognized your family. Your dad drove for Meadow Gold and my brother Paul Gooch worked for him. He always spoke so highly of him. I got to meet your family (and even probably you) a few times growing up. We came to your dad's funeral too. I remember how kind your mom always was! How fun. I have been following your blog for a while and even have some of your projects on my list of things to make. I have a blog I just started up a couple of months ago. Feel free to come say hi! :D

    Bonnie at

  5. I found you from The Idea Room. I'm now a follower!

  6. Thanks for playing along Stacy! I loved animals too growing up. Had a ton of them...mice, hamsters, parakeets, fish, guinea pigs and rabbits. My mom hated it! I would have never asked for a tarantula though LOL! Sad to hear that you are missing your dad! Tough time to lose your father!
