
Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Such a crazy turn of events!!!

I have some great news! I will try to not get all mushy. That is what my family blog is for. But I do want to update you. Yesterday I posted about my hubby finally getting a job after being unemployed for almost 7 months. It was a crappy job with crappy pay, but it was a job and we were thrilled. He went to his first day of work today. While he was gone I got a call from an architecture firm he had interviewed with 4 months ago. They had told him a couple months ago that they were going to hold off on hiring someone. So we forgot about it. When they called today and said they wanted to see my husband I freaked out! Don't worry, I kept my calm on the phone (barely). And of course he had his phone off since he was in training. (fast forward) He got the job! YEAH!!! He was a tiny bit nervous to go back to the other job this afternoon and tell the lady who had trained him all day that he wouldn't be back. But bless her heart she got excited for him. I love people like that! So he starts on Monday. So its back to ironing shirts, packing lunches, and kissin' him goodbye. (That would be HIM ironing, not me. . . he he )
With all my celebrating this afternoon and evening I totally neglected my awesome project. But since I am entering it in the DIY Club monthly contest and it ends tonight, I will be finishing it today. (It is high school and college all over again!) So fingers crossed, I should be able to share it with you later today.
Thanks for letting me share my good news!!!


  1. That's SO exciting for you both! Congratulations!

  2. Stacy, that's wonderful news! Heckuva Christmas present too, eh? Very excited for you and your family. Congrats! :D

  3. Congrats!! What a wonderful holiday present!!

  4. That's awesome!! My husband was out of work for a year so I know what kind of angst that bring! So happy your husband got a job - especially one he really wanted. Congrats to him and happy holidays!! :)

  5. Congrats!!! I know what it is like to have a hubby out of work and how exciting it is when he finally gets a job!!!

  6. Jeepers! I'm crying for you. What a blessing--one many of us can understand the significants of. I'm sure you learned many valuable life lessons in the process that will never wear off, but it'll be wonderful to move on. Congratulations!!!

  7. Congrats!! It's funny how things seem to work themselves out. :)

  8. That is so awesome!! I am so happy for you guys! My dad was layed of twice in one year, and then was out of work for about seven months as well, it is rough, but it is so wonderful when everything finally works out!

  9. Congratulations!!! What a nice Christmas gift!

  10. That's so great!! Congratulations! What a wonderful gift this time of year!

  11. I am SO excited for you and him! We were in the same boat not too long ago, but since my hubby is not through with school, we are thrilled (though he hates it) with the crappy job and crappy pay. BUT when he finishes school, I am sure things will be much better. So glad things are working out for you now!

  12. Yay! That is great news! Congratulations!

  13. Congrats! I am also in the architecture/ design industry and I completely understand. What a great gift for the holidays!!! :)
