
Thursday, January 27, 2011

I have some questions. . . .

Okay,so I am new to this whole blogging game and I am going to throw some questions out for any of you who feels they can answer them. Why do blogs have Facebook pages??? I fail to see the benefit. I like facebook. It has helped me reconnect with friends, but I am not getting why you would want an account for a blog. I know it is probably obvious and I am lame for not understanding. So enlighten me please!

Okay, another question. Is it worth it to go to a blog conference? I mean geesh! Some of the tickets are like $500 bucks!!!! And then there is airfare and hotels on top of that. Are they really only for the big time blogs? Or are newbies suppose to go so they can learn the "secrets" on how to become a big shot? Maybe I  should just stop reading other blogs :)

Anyway, I am open to your ideas on these topics. There is so much I am still learning about blogging. Thanks!!!


  1. The blogs that I {like} on Facebook are the ones that I can't follow on Blogger. That way I know when they have a new post or what not.

  2. I am also new, just started in Nov. 2010, and I was wondering some of the same things. You have quite a few followers so maybe you'll get some good answers. I am learning as I go and have TONS to learn.

  3. I have been blogging for only about 6-7 mo now and so I am really new to it, by the number of followers you have seems like you are not so new...well as to the face book thing I do NOT facebook at all so I see no advantages to having them together, I cannot keep up with my blog and facebook my etsy store and twitter, got to draw a line somewhere...oh I am not sure what to say about a blogging conference I have not heard of that...I hope you get the answers you are looking for..

  4. Interesting post! I've noticed a lot of blogs are using Twitter too.

  5. Hi, wow you are "fairly new" to blogging and you ahve so many followers...WAY TO GO 8) I have a FB account but DONT have my blog account on there. I can see the benefits for blogs that might earn money with more blogs etc...others, just another way to get their name out there I guess....

    As far as the conference thing goes..I did go to Relevant last year and it was as Christian Blogging conference, well worth the money (IMO) because it was awesome fellowship time, can't say I learned a TON about blogging, but a great way to connect with other Christians and that was a big selling point for me...I know Blisseom is going on now (spelled that wrong I think) and for me, not a money making blog, not worth it..but for some.well worth the connections...Dont now if any of this helped or not.. 8)

  6. This is only a thought. I love to read blogs, but some of my friends have no idea that they even exist. However all of my friends (almost) have a Facebook page. So I'm thinking that if someone is following your blog, they will probably friend you on FB, therefore more exposer. I have found a lot of blogs this way. When one of my friends likes a FB page and it shows up on the feed, if I think is sounds interesting I check it out. The page almost always leads to a blog or etsy page and I have just found my next gem in the world of blog-iness that I love. FB is also a very quick and easy way to spread the word and the link to your blog if you are hosting a give away or contest. That's just why I see it as a good thing , probably not the reason the big guys do it.....

  7. I like having a facebook page to interact with my readers. It is also a quick, easy way to showcase a cool idea or project. Also, facebook is how many of my real life friends view my blog :)

    I've been to one blog conference in was totally worth it...but it did not cost me an arm and a leg since there was no airfare or hotel involved :) I would LOVE to go to Blissdom though :) Maybe next year!

  8. I have a Facebook page for my business which I link to on my blog. I am not sure why to have one for a blog. As far as blogging conferences, I have no idea except they are probably a lot of fun! I am very new too so we will see what you find out. How long have you been blogging? Since September for me~

  9. I'm new to the blogging thing too. I do show my things I create on FB because not all my friends and family are connecting to the whole blogging world, but still like to see the projects that I do. And, I'm with you on the blogging conferences. I guess if you make money from blogging and you're a professional blogger, well then I assume it's like any other job. Conferences are offered as a learning experience to help you do better at your profession. Maybe one day we'll both be more interested in the conferences :)

  10. I am really new, just started in Dec 10', so I don't know about the connection with facebook either. Now that I read some of your post, maybe I see it as another connection in social media? I would love to go to a blog conference, just to network, but I am with you about the $$$$. Well, for now I am just figuring out as I go and hope to have as many followers as you someday.

  11. I think for the facebook page: It's just another way to stay connected!

    As for the conferences, I just don't have the money so I wouldn't go! Haha!

  12. i have been blogging for a couple of years, but i don't facebook, nor see the point of it for your blog.

    as for the conferences, i would LOVE to go to one of them, but that is probably because i would love to meet some of the incredible women out there who inspire me to get craftier or to just be a better person! i have formed so many friendships via the bloggy world and it would be fun to hang with them! sure, i would love to learn how to grow my blog, but...i think that i could do that without going to a conference! to me it would be just for fun! then again, i haven't ever been, so what do i know!

  13. I have NO idea how much money people actually making blogging... however, I think that Facebook is that "free" advertising. I have found fun things from friends who "like" blogs and vice versa. I do post updates from my family blog onto facebook and I have had quite a few friends comment on projects we have done... not many of my facebook friends or family are into the whole blog world, so they wouldn't know about the blog without those updates.

    Comes down to... do you want to spend the time to update another Facebook account? And if you don't mind, do you make enough money blogging to actually make it worth your time... Time is worth SO much in my opinion!

    I love your blog and would follow you on Facebook. ;)

  14. The only reason I like a blog on Facebook is to enter giveaways. Then I usually "hide" their blog anyway. I don't really see the need to for a page there.

  15. I think the FB stuff is for exposure, plain and simple.
    I don't facebook or tweet and it is a huge bummer when that is a requirement to enter giveaways IMO. I understand a mandatory entry be check their shop,site etc, but hate that Like me or Tweet is mandatory and be a GFC follower is "optinal/extra." That seems unfair since we a bloggers and not actually using facebook for the giveaway. Again, IMO.

    I am not rich, and probably never will be. I'm not in the big leagues of blogger either so I dont have the extra money to spend upwards of $500 to go to a conference.

  16. I think it's too much to "advertise" blogs on facebook. I like blogs because they are blogs. Putting it on FB seems kind of annoying.

  17. I have my fanpage for my Etsy shop linked on my blog but not the other way around...does that make sense? IOW, my Facebook fanpage was started for my shop, and now I just have the widget on the sidebar (of my blog) so if people want to check it out...because while some of my blogging does correlate to things I sell, a lot of it does not. I have done a couple of giveaways but I try to alternate between FB fans and Blogging followers because a lot of people don't do both :) It is good advertising though-and free.

    You have so many followers! It's amazing! I just hit 100 and I feel behind hehe :)

  18. I link my posts on my blog to my facebook page. I have friends who don't normally blog or follow blogs but when they see I've updated my blog on facebook, they'll go over and check it out.

    I went to one blog conference that was $100 for the day. I thought that was pretty pricey but it was interesting. I was hoping to meet some new people in this new town I'm in...but surprisingly I didn't. We are 'virtual' friends but that's all. I felt like I was in a popularity high school. But I learned a lot about social media. I'd love to try out one of the big blog conferences but I'm leery of spending that much money and then having to travel on top of it.

  19. I think blogs have facebook in order to get more people to click on their blogs for giveaways and things like that. That way it looks like they get tons of hits when trying to get sponsors. Personally, I have one so I can get another entry into giveaways. Ha!

  20. I am new to blogging in general, I had never looked at one until December. I was amazed!! I thought it looked like a great way to stay connected and I just started mine yesterday! Your questions were many of the same ones I have, so it was good to read all of the comments, and I will check back in to get more insight! I would love to find a place to go to for information about these kinds of questions!
    BTW... I love your blog, it was one of the first ones that I saved to my favorites!

  21. I like to "like" all my favorite blogs on FB simply because I know that they have made a new post and I can remember to check it out.

  22. I don't get the facebook thing either. I'm REALLY new to this stuff, so I am just learning as I go. When I saw that you had written that you were new, I didn't expect to see that you had 1000+ followers. I am only at 55 and can't even imagine the day I get to 1000. That will be awesome!! :)

    Please come follow me!
    The Crafty Side Of Life

  23. I "like" a few blogs on facebook. It's nice to see photos and things that might not be on their blog, but those aren't crafty blogs. I agree with the others in that it could be good advertisement. Maybe try it out and see if it's too much of a pain to keep up with : )

  24. Facebook is a fun way for us to communicate a little better with our readers, and other bloggers! We don't always have the time or space on the blog to share everything we love, but we can share as many links as we want on FB. And we can connect with people who don't blog, or follow blogs. You would be surprised at how many people like what we have to say, but have never visited our blog. :) We don't spend a lot of time maintaining it. Maybe a couple minutes a day. :)
