
Friday, January 21, 2011

Identity Crisis

What kind of blog is this??? When I visit blogs that have my blog on their sidebar sometimes they have blogs in categories. Sometimes people put mine under "crafty blogs", sometime they put it under "mommy blogs", and sometimes under "decorating blogs". To be honest I don't know what category I would put this in either! Sometimes I see these really classy decorating blogs. Those blogs are like white fancy front rooms. All elegant with everything in its proper place. I look at these blogs and think, "I want to be like that blog!!!" Then I see these fun, colorful blogs where the author is HILARIOUS and maybe a little wacky and I think "I want to be like that blog!!!" And then I see the "crafty" ( I use the term loosely) blogs where the authors are whipping out projects like rabbits having babies. Their projects are trendy and sometimes really awesome knock offs from stores I haven't even heard of and I think "I want to be like that blog!!!" So I guess subconsciously I have tried to be them all. I don't have a clue how to explain my blog to people when I meet them and I don't know if it has a category. I am just going through my "to do list" and taking pictures along the way. Sometimes that is a painting project, sometimes gardening, sometimes an activity with my kids, and sometimes I just blab. Maybe one day there will be a category for this type of blog! Either way, thanks for visiting :)


  1. Hi Stacy!

    Just keep writing. Eventually you will find your "voice" and know exactly what direction you want to go in. Take a hint from the posts that you enjoy writing most.

    But I have to say that I love blogs that cover lots of areas. That way you get a true perspective of that individual and you feel like you really "know" them. Even if it is just over the internet.


  2. "really awesome knock offs from stores I haven't even heard of" - - so true!!

  3. I just want to say I have been following you for a little while and I really like the mix of things you blog about. In my life I don't just decorate, craft, OR spend time with my kids. I {try} to do all of those things. It's nice to get some inspiration in one place :)

  4. I love your blog. It's one of my favorites. And it's because you are just you! I'd put you in the hilarious/crafty column, but you're definitely one of a kind!

  5. I think variety is great - my blog doesn't really have an identity like that either, and I like it! I wear too many hats to try and label what I want to write and post about. I tried that before and failed because there were too many other things I wanted to post that didn't fit my "niche" at the time and I felt censored. So I think it's nice and freeing to be identity-less :) Keep doing what you do!

  6. I feel the same way with my blog. I don't really fit into any one category...I'm a sort of jack of all trades, master of none.

  7. I'm with you. Even though my name says Organize and Decorate, I also include crafts, things with the kids and family posts. Do what feels right to you, you have a great blog.

  8. Ditto!! :) Just keep doing what you're doing (so I can too!!).

  9. Not knowing what you are going to post about makes me come back EVERY Day. Decorating sites I check only when I want inspiration- you give me inspiration on a different aspect of life each time I visit-love that!

  10. IM the same way, I call myself a nomadic blogger (well Im a "nomadic" person) this is because i never stay in just one "place" or stick to just one thing! I like to do it all, and I will move from hobby to hobby and back and forth between. I do photography, all kinds of crafting stuff, started jewelry making, digital design.. and the list goes on. I do it all and I share it all on my blog, along with some mommy stuff as well. Its all kind of mixed in, and I do have struggled before with thinking I need to put myself pr my blog in a category or be more organized (which i do like to be organized.. I just cant seem to organize my blog into one category) in order to be successful. But then I realized that I just like variety, I could never limit myself to just one thing! And I will always have that "nomadic" personality, why not share it with the world and just continue to be me, rather than try to be just like another blogger.
    Though I am still very inspired by so many others! And you seem to be doing great! Youre blog is awesome.
    And BTW "really awesome knock offs from stores I haven't even heard of" I laughed at that, because its so true. haha
    Agape Love Designs

  11. You're a whatever blog! Like me!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. You voiced exactly what I've been thinking. I don't feel like my blog really has any one focus.

    I admire the blogs with just one focus and especially admire people who run a bunch of blogs each with just one focus, but I'm kindof a fly by the seat of my pants person and might have my hand in one thing one day, and something else the next. So whatever I've photographed is what I write about on any given day.

    Today was a serious post, but usually I write about decor, DIY, or recipes with some intermittent posts about my kids or every now and again inspiration pics.

  14. I love that you have some many different types of posts! I think it keeps things interesting. I wouldn't change a thing!

  15. Does it have to have a focus? My blog is all over the place. As a mom, I feel like it is a true reflection of our lives! We kind of have to take on the persona of ALL the little "personalities" we are raising and it becomes a part of our own persona as we enjoy their hobbies along with our own! So just keep it coming, as random as it may be. Isn't our lives as a mom totally random on any given day?

    I personally like blogs that have a wide variety of things. Keeps it interesting! Love your blog just the way it is...! Category or not!

    Anyways...just my two cents :)

  16. Dear Stacy,

    just the way you are is one of the reasons why I am following your blog.

    Why must everbody be put in a category?
    You're just writing about what life brings to you - and that is just alright!

    Nobody of your readers is just crafty allday long, is "only" a mummy or having nothing in sence but decorating the house the perfect way.
    Life is colorful and not just ONE category.

    If I would have to put your blog in a category it would be called "creative" cause that's waht you are in just many kinds of way!

    I hope I was able to explain what I mean, cause English is not my mother tongue and that's why I nearly never comment in English blogs ... reading is much easier than writing my own thought down in this language!

    So my two ents are: please keep on blogging the way you did before!

    Greetings from Germany,
    Janka :)

  17. Stacy - Your blog is fabulous ! That's the only category that matters. :)

    But I'm wondering what kind of blog I am. Am I the wacky blog? It's ok to tell me. LOL

    Seriously though, I know what you mean. My blog is "Where Beauty Meets Function"...I mean that has a pretty specific meaning. And when I started that is EXACTLY what I intended to discuss...making your home functional, but beautiful.

    But it feels like I talk about a whole lot of 'beauty'...but rarely do they have function.

    So, do I change my blog name? But I like my blog name, it really emphasizes how I decorate in the overall scheme of things. But I blog about everything under the sun.

    But see, "Not JUST a Housewife" to me, feels like a name that encompasses it's ok to be all over. It says, I might cook and clean, but I also do all these other things too!! :)

  18. My blog is all over the place, too, and I'm okay with that. After all, although I do have a few (completely unexpected!) followers, my blog is still primarily for me. Taking on advertisers, maybe you're in a different position, but I think your blog is interesting as is, and doesn't really need a label.

  19. Your blog is you, and that's what I personally love about it. I have tried to figure out how to make my blog like all the others and gave up. It's me, it's my ADD brain on a blog for the world to see, and that's fine by me. I'd love to have a lot of readers. Heck, if I get to 100 I'll do a happy dance, but for now, I'll be happy with it being me :)

  20. Oh, you cute thing! I've thought about this too. Especially when I try to get all cerebral about blogging. And read too much about what a successful blog is "supposed" to be. WHATEVER! I'm just not ready or willing to be categorized.

    Has Dirty Dancing taught us NOTHING????

    Nobody puts Baby in a corner!

    Love you just the way you are. (I learned that from Mr. Rogers. And he never lies)

  21. I think a lot of people struggle with this too (myself included). But I think the longer you stick with it, and the more "you" that shines through on your blog, the more people will see the uniqueness that only you can bring to the blogosphere. It's definitely not easy though.

  22. Oh I struggle with this, too. I can be all over the place, as well. It's ok!! like others said, that's why we like you! :-)

    I also look at some of the bigger blogs too, and all the crafts they churn out every couple of days; and wonder where they get the energy!
