
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Activities For Kids { PART ONE }

Winter can be hard with little kids. I try hard to limit my kids' TV time. But that can be challenging in the colder months.You can't always play outside. And if your kids are like mine, they don't last very long when they DO get to go out. They are back in wanting hot chocolate after about 20 minutes.  I have decided to post some of the things we have done this winter.

Chin Faces

This was a favorite!!! I can't remember a time when we have laughed so hard! I mean gut aching, rolling on the floor, and tears in your eyes kind of laughing. Make sure to video this and then you can watch it on TV. That is a must since the kids can't see themselves while doing it. Lip sync, put on a mini play, or just make funny faces.
* Make sure to use non-toxic WASHABLE markers, like Crayola. The faces washed off quickly. Just in time to run to Pack night for Scouts :) We used snow hats to cover their heads and a blanket to cover their bodies.

Homemade Instruments

You can use anything you have on hand. We used a shoe box, food storage cans, toilet paper rolls, ribber bands, and a wrapping paper roll.
It took a wile to decorate and make the different instruments. That in and of itself was a fun activity! We kept it a secret from my husband and surprised him with a concert after dinner.
My oldest was on guitar, the other two played drums. My baby crawled around with the maraca we made out of a toilet paper roll covered in paper and filled with rice. He loved to shake it but mostly just chewed on it. I played a dollar store plastic recorder. I rocked. As my kids were leaving for school the next day, I heard my 6 year old say to my 9 year old "Lets have band practice after school!" Followed by an excited "Yeah!"

Painting Snow

This is something I use to do as a kid. I LOVED it. Not only would I paint pictures in the snow, but when I built a snowman, he got a colorful makeover :) My boys love doing this every year too. I didn't realize until after I took this picture, but one of the bottles is missing. The red was left inside. You can but these bottle for 97 cents at Wal-Mart or at any dollar store. Fill them with water ans some food coloring. Good cheap fun!

Sugar Cube Buildings

We did this project for family night the other night and it was a big hit. We decided to all build one big building instead of small ones of our own. I was in charge of squirting the hot glue on and the boys stacked it up.

This is what we made but I think it would be fun to make an igloo too. You don't have to use hot glue. If you are worried about finger getting burned you can always use good ole' Elmers.

Fabric Crayons

The first time I learned about and used these crayons was at a church activity about 6 years ago. I LOVE them! They are cheap too. I bought under shirts. A pack of 5 for $6 something. First you color a picture on regular paper.

Then put another new paper under the shirt. Place the picture face down onto the shirt and iron it.
For more detailed instructions read the back of the crayon box. You can find these at craft stores or on Crayola's website.

I will post more ideas soon!

The linky party is still open so scroll down to link up your projects :)


  1. Great ideas! Thanks! You're boys are so cute!

  2. i LOVE these ideas! especially those shirts.
    We're in Ottawa, Canada and well, it's -30 right now (not even sure what that is in American terms) but it's freaking cold and only 5 minutes until frostbite. We can't go outside!
    It's kinda crazy and we're all going crazy.
    I think we watched Despicable Me 15 times last week! haha.
    Thanks again. Great ideas :)

  3. All great ideas! And your boys are so cute!

  4. thank you!I didn't know what to do with my child.Great ideas!

  5. Love the crayon shirt idea. My son will love it!

  6. Those are some great ideas, what a great Mom you are!!!

  7. Great ideas to keep the boys busy in winter. Chin faces are my favorite too. You clicked the right expressions.
    I liked the sugar blocks house too! If you have Half coconut shell, you can create an Igloo by gluing the sugar blocks on to them.

  8. I love them all! I think my two faves are the sugar cubes and crayons on the shirt! My kids fav would probably be crayons...thanks for your sweet comments about my dress too!

  9. Those chin faces are so cute! I wonder if my 17 year old who is home with the flu would still enjoy that?

  10. HA! I'm so going to do the chin faces. My boys will love it! We can't paint snow in S. FLA but we can sure paint t-shirts. Thanks for sharing all the fun.

  11. Awww, we used to paint the snow when we were kids. What a great memory!

  12. I've been wanting to paint snow like that with my kids all winter!
    I'd love for you to come link up at Inspire Me Mondays

  13. Painting snow! Wow! I had NEVER thought of that but it sounds like sooo much fun! I can't wait for our next snow so I can do this with my three kiddos! They will love it! I linked this idea on my budget-friendly weekend post here:

    Seriously, you are so amazingly creative!
    Thanks for the inspiration and have a great weekend!
