
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My monkey is ONE!

I can't believe it has been a year since my sister was driving me to the hospital. Don Williams was blaring in the background as she sped up hoping that the cop near by would pull us over and give us an escort to the hospital. No such luck. But I got there just in time. Good thing my hubby worked around the corner from the hospital :) He is such a sweet sweet little guy. He is the happiest baby I have ever met.

His birthday was yesterday.
I wanted his cake to look like the monkey I painted on his wall.

I think it is a pretty good match. I have a tutorial on how I made it on my other blog The Birthday Blog.

He was very serious as he ate. Never cracked a smile. He didn't even really make a mess. He just ate one little bite at a time.

Happy birthday monkey!!!


  1. So sweet! How funny that he didn't make a mess! I have pictures of cake and frosting covering my oldest at his first birthday. The younger one was a little neater. That cake is adorable. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Happy birthday!!! That cake looks awsome .

  3. That cake is so adorable! Happy Birthday!

  4. Happy Birthday! Great cake and awesome artwork!

  5. Happy Birthday to your monkey! That cake is adorable!

  6. THat is adorable! My little girls birthday is coming up and she has been begging for a monkey cake. How did you do the ears? Thanks!

  7. I have a tutorial on my other blog. I probably should have mentioned that :)

  8. So cute!! My first one was a neat eater, but my second had frosting all over!!!

  9. I agree, chocolate cake is very serious business. :) Happy Birthday to your monkey. :)

  10. Happy Birthday to your little guy! And, of course, love the monkey! Great minds think alike! :)

  11. SO cute mama, I will def go check it out. You did an awesome job on that little monkey, and the cake too.

    HAppy Birthday little one.

    Hope you come link up this week!
    Bella Before and After **AMAZE ME AUGUST**, and GUESS what? I have a fabulous giveaway going on this week too for the cutest ZEBRA print APRON, and TOWEL SET. Come enter before it's too late. GIVEAWAY HERE


    Bella :)

  12. love the cake and the wall decor. good job!

  13. my nephews have monkeys that look almost like that on their walls!

  14. I gave you the Stylish Blogger Award...:)

  15. Thank you for offering to feature me! I am so excited and can't wait to see the post up today! Happy birthday to your husband's bday was yesterday! Have a great day!!!


  16. Aww! My little J is about to turn one as well. So cute. Love the cake.
