
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Show Me What Ya Got #10

First off, thanks to all of you who are spreading the word about this linky party by adding my button on your blog or the party to your list. It has really helped. Every week we get more links and more people. I have LOVED finding new blogs!
I have been feverishly working on about 7 projects. My husband says he doesn't think I am happy unless I have bitten off more that I can chew. Probably true. I will show you one of the things I did yesterday later. But right now I want to see what you have been up to!

*Do not link up giveaways or etsy shops. Just projects you have done please.

* Please link up a max of 2 projects

* Please don't link up something you have already linked up here in the past.

*Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog.

*Also, please visit at least 2 other links and leave a comment. We all love comments!

I am not going to require that you become a follower in order to participate, but it is easier. I participate in so many linky parties that it helps to have a reminder. I just scroll through my blog roll and click right on to which ever sites have a party that day. Just something to think about :)
If you don't know how to link up I created a post with pictures and instructions. There is a link on my side bar.

Please spread the word about this linky party. The more links, the more we all are inspired. Add this button to the bottom of your post, side bar, or add this party to your list. I am not picky. Just put it somewhere! Thanks.


  1. Wow 7 projects at once ! I usually have only 1 on my craft table and perhaps 1 more which is put aside because it isn't working.

  2. Thanks for hosting again. Sounds like you're keeping busy.

  3. Wow! You must have more energy than I do. Can't wait to see your projects completed. Thanks for hosting this party. I love seeing everyone's projects.

  4. Wow, with seven projects going you must have crafting ADD like me! Now if only I could finish everything that I start... :-)

    Thanks for hosting!

  5. Okay, I finally understand the concept of the linky party, and I am so glad I stopped by to check this out! I got two great recipes to work on this week! Thanks for putting this together and linking me to other great blogs!


  6. Thank you! I've been trying to get my blog noticed (even though it's in it's baby stage right now!)
