
Sunday, February 13, 2011

There are no "do overs" in live TV

 I have some news. Some exciting - but makes me want to throw up (in a non-pregnant way) kinda news. Oh come on, you KNOW that "news" and "throwing up" makes you think pregnancy! This is a different kind of announcement. I am going to be on TV. And it is not my first gig either. Nope. In the 5th grade I was on the news discussing weather with Len Randolph. Ahhhh, the nineties. I was totally rockin' the acid washed GUESS jeans and L.A. Gear shoes. But I was nervous and I stuttered. I said a word wrong and I sat there stiff as a board.

These pictures are terrible because the only way I knew how to turn a VHS tape into a picture was to play it on my TV and take a picture.
I got an email over a month ago from the producer of Good Things Utah asking if I wanted to be a guest on the show. Me? I totally thought it was a prank. That didn't stop me from calling my hubby at work and shouting the news though. And do you know what he said? "You're not going to freeze like when you were on weather school are you?" Nice. Very supportive hun. In his defense, it was a valid question. But he was joking and got very excited for me.

Amanda (the producer) asked if I would come to watch a taping of the show to see how things work and then meet with her after to hash out the details. I took my mom and sister along. They are nuts. You would have thought we were on the set of a movie full of A list stars! (Well, there was the Utah girl from The Bachelor there. . . ) We took pictures with the guests, the hosts, and of us sitting at the evening news desk. I am sure they were wondering who these crazy ladies were!
I am going to be on the show February 15th. For all you Utahans, it comes on at 10:00 am on ABC. For everyone else, I will post a clip here as soon as I can IF I don't embarrass myself. If I throw up on camera, say the wrong thing, have my fly down the whole time, etc then I will post it on my family blog only. Which is private. For all 3 people who read that one.

Just the thought of being a guest makes me so nervous! But one of my goals this year is to step out of my comfort zone more. The people who know me well would not say I am shy. But in new situations with new people I can be super quiet. I have a plan though. Beyonce says she gets nervous to perform so she made up an alter ego, Sasha. I am totally going to do this! I am open to name suggestions. She may not be named yet, but she is witty, knowledgeable, confident, always says the right thing, and pretty. Hey, if it works for Beyonce then why not me? Right?. . . right???


  1. Congrats. How very exciting. Go and have fun. Thanks for sharing your great news.

  2. Congrats! Just have fun with it. Can't wait to see the clip.

  3. That is so exciting, wish I could see it! Maybe they'll give you a clip and you can embed it into your blog. Congrats!

  4. Very exciting news! So happy for you! You'll be fine, I know this!!! : )

  5. How cool! I can't wait to see it! Just remember, they are just people too!

  6. I'm excited for you! I will definitely watch. Just enjoy it and pretend like it's another RS meeting. The alter-ego idea is a good one too- I'd do that in a heartbeat!

  7. I'll let you borrow Tiffany- my imaginary friend name. That sounds like a super spunky, fun person name.

  8. How awesome! You're gonna do fantastic! I would probably get a little dorky over there too. I'm convinced that Reagan and I are destined to be BFF's. Only she doesn't know it yet. :)

    And I love the alter ego idea. LOVE IT! I'm the exact same way...a little shy in uncomfortable situations. It needs to be a name that screams, I'm awesome! Hmmm...I gotta think on that one for a while....

  9. Haha, why not just call yourself Beyonce?
    By the way, in that picture of you as a little girl, you look exactly like Stephanie Tanner from Full House:)
    Good luck with the show, I'm sure you'll be awesome even if you mess up a word. When people do that on tv it always makes me like them a little more.
