
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The dark side of blogging

I am pretty new to this whole blogging thing. Today marks six months since I have launched both of my blogs. I found the world of blogging about a year ago but I only new about 2 of them. I totally thought I was braving new territory! Ha! Little did I know that there are thousands. If I would have know everything that I know now I don't know if I would have been brave enough to start one. There is a lot of pressure to have a great blog. Especially if you have advertisers that are counting on you. Plus, there are those "perfect" blogs that intimidate the heck out of me and make me feel inferior. I will admit that I have stopped following some blogs that have made me jealous. That little green monster has reared his ugly head more than a few times.

I also see some blogs that always show magazine worthy pictures and they always talk as if things are also running smoothly in their life. To be honest, I HATE that. I used to feel bad when I read them. And I told myself when I started this blog that I would try hard to be completely honest. I would share the good and the bad. If a project was hard, or didn't go as planned, or took a long time, I would tell you. I don't want you thinking something was easy when it wasn't. I do try to have a room tidy before taking a picture but not to make you think that my house is always clean (cause it is NOT) but so the toys and clutter isn't distracting and taking the spotlight away from what I am trying to show you. 9 times out of 10 I am just shuffling clutter out of the way, snapping the picture, and moving it right back.

I NEVER want any of you to feel bad when reading my blog. I had a comment the other day from someone who said they felt intimidated at first when they read my blog. She said she had 2 kids and couldn't believe all that I got done with four. First of all my oldest is nine and is a big helper. He can keep the other kids happy for a little while if I need him too. Plus I am a freak. I don't like to sit still. If  I don't have 3 or 4 things going on I go nuts. Not everyone is like that. Everyone is different. I find that when I focus on projects my house falls apart. If I focus on my house nothing else gets done. I never have it all together. None of us do. (Right?? Cause I don't want to feel bad. . .)

This post is kinda all over the place. Sorry! I just wanted you to know that I want this blog to be a place where we all share our projects and our feelings about life and being a mom. I want this to be a place of inspiration and where everyone feels comfortable. I am a mom who loves her kids like cRaZy but yells too much. A mom who doesn't do the dishes very often. A mom who doesn't wear makeup except on Sundays, and has a pony tail most days. My hat is my BFF. I have more painting clothes that regular clothes. I hate trendy things because I don't like the idea of having to switch them out later on. Because of that I don't really keep up with the trends. I don't like having what everyone else has which is why I make everything. I am a mom who is CHEAP. FRUGAL. A TIGHT WAD. Another reason I make everything. I can't sing. I have 2 left feet and zero rhythm. I can't spell worth a darn. I am not very fashionable. I could go on but I am starting to realize I not very cool and to keep me feeling positive I better switch gears :)

And just to prove my point about never getting it all done at the same time I am going to show you what my office looks like RIGHT NOW. Keep in mind I have 4 projects going on right now and 2 TV appearances I am preparing things for. Here ya go! Just keepin' it real people.
Yep. Take a good long look. Go ahead and double click it to enlarge it. Yep. That is a bright orange Lia. Yep. There's a Thanksgiving art project one of my kids brought home from November. Yep. Everything that should be in my tool boxes are out of the tool boxes.
My office is currently the place where half finished projects go to die..... or wait to be finished. It is the "catch all" room of the house. Most people have a junk drawer. I have a junk room. Now in my defense, it doesn't always look like this. But when things are crazy (like 4 sick kids) then I just throw everything in there and close the door. Then at least the other parts of my house look alright.
So there you go. All of my confessions. Do you feel better? I suddenly feel the need to eat chocolate.....


  1. Oh YOU for keeping it real!! Seriously, my house looks like that a lot of days. It makes me feel normal to see someone posting like this!

  2. great post - I too shove things out of the way to take pictures!

  3. I feel much better already. I think we all go through that phase of comparing our blogs to others. There is def some perfect stuff out there. When I get feeling like that, I just back away for a couple of days so that I can regroup and remember why I'm blogging to begin with.
    Thanks for sharing your picture...I think we can all relate to that aspect of our lives as well... :)

  4. I love blogs that keep it real. I try really hard to keep mine real, especially when things don't go planned on a project.

  5. I love it when bloggers keep it real instead of only showing the good stuff.

    My office looks like that a lot, too!

  6. Awesome post. :) I don't know how to get things done with only one baby sometimes, much less four!! :)

  7. Thank you for your honesty! Most of us can relate...and have similar stories. I always remind myself that for every 'better' blog (you can apply this to anything) there is always the opposite (I don't want to say worse but not sure the word to use).

  8. Great post! I think we all push the clutter out of the way to take pics. Or we crop our pics so tightly because we've noticed the random detritus in the background. I love all the projects you share, and if that means you have dirty dishes in the sink, well consider this an endorsement of that. There is no way to be perfect at everything. Thanks for writing what so many of us are thinking.

  9. that is refreshing to read :) i hate blogs that are perfect anyways.. nobody's life is perfect!

  10. I love it when successful bloggers (yes, like you!) "confess" that their houses are actually messy sometimes. It helps me not to feel so bad. But you've only been blogging for 6 months (me too) and you have two TV appearances and as many followers/subscribers as you do? Wow! That's pretty awesome!

  11. Thank you so much for posting this. I am new to blogging and i do find myself drooling over how neat and clean others houses are...or how pretty they decorate...when in reality...i wish i could start a project and finish one!! It's so hard when you have a gazillion things to do...and i don't even have kids!! Thank you for being so honest. You're like a "real life" person! HAHAHA.

  12. Lol! I am the same way I cannot sit still...except to blog that is. lol oh good so you do have unfinished projects? I was seriously like how the heck does she do it!!! Maybe we should have a "Keepin' it real party" where we can all link up our "real" houses and check out everyone elses and go...yay! I'm normal....sorta lol! Thanks for sharing...

  13. I love that you are real and honest the most. I often get jealous of others followers. How the heck do people build those huge followings. I don't think I'm THAT boring...

  14. Well I think you are amazing and I concur with the post above from Catherine. I'm amazed at your success over such a short time. Congratulations!

    I'm scared to start my own blog too. There are so many out there doing the same kinda stuff... how many is too many?

  15. Now wait a minute. You have been blogging for exactly one week longer than I have. Yet, you have more than 10x the google followers that I have, you have had tv appearances and you're worried about "better blogs"? I'm just going to unfollow you and join the dust bunnies under the bed now ;-)

  16. You hit the nail on the head when you said that the rest of the house slips when working on projects. That is SO true. Yes, my room/project that I'm working on may look pretty (aside from the nail gun that's sitting in the hallway, pushed out of the way), but the rest of the house is trashed now since the kids have been making messes while I "focus".

    I think everyone here appreciates your candor and can totally relate to what you're saying. I know I can anyway. :-)

  17. THANK YOU!! I am so grateful that there is someone in blog land keeping it real. I am not trendy and my hair is always in a ponytail. I feel so much better about that now. I play with my son and he doesn't care one bit about how I look. I do get fancy for date nights and that's about it. Congratulations on all your success!

  18. Thank you for that post. Every time you bare your soul like that and just honestly throw it all out there for others to see, AND RELATE TO, it just truly inspires me! I too get jealous over some people's blogs. I always tell myself not to, cause some of them I just adore. But then there is a part of me that says.. hey I have done that before and I didnt get nearly as much attention as she did.. what does she have that I dont? Why does everyone think she is so great and not me? LOL I start to get mad, and jealous.. its so silly of me.
    Im glad Im not the only one. And I know this isnt a competition. SO thanks for the words of encouragement. Thanks for the inspiration. Keep doing what you are doing! Cause youre doing great and keeping it real!

  19. Love that you keep it real all the time! :) You are an encouragement! I am like you...busy all the time. I never sit still! - Karen

  20. I "rearrange" for my photos too, don't feel bad! It's always nice to see REAL people blogging and having success, so thanks for being a breath of fresh air! We love ya, clutter or not, haha! :)

  21. thanks so much for this, I totally feel so many of those things. I too get jealous at the "perfect" blogs and how much people seem to get done. I feel like I'm always scrambling to get everything done just so I can have a few minutes to make and craft and sew and have my me time. Thanks for showing us your messy room and all.

  22. Your honestly is awesome!! Aren't all of our lives like that? No one is perfect, I am far from it! My basement storage/laundry/work area looks like your office right now. My husband's office looks like that office too!

  23. As I sit here at 9:30 still in my robe, drinking coffee and eating goldfish, because the baby was up all night and I'm just too tired to do anything your post has made me feel sooooooo good!

    I also try to keep things real-like I just posted a picture of the before mentioned scene! I like knowing that i'm not the only blogger mommy that can't get it all done around life, kids, husband and homework while trying to blog the progress.

    Thanks for your wonderful post, you.are.awesome!

  24. Thanks for this post. It was pretty awesome! I am glad that you keep it down to earth and real! I really appreciate it! I know what its like to be intimidated by another persons blog that you think is so amazing =) Thanks so much!!

  25. I totally feel you on this one:) My craft room {aka the dining room} is and has been a major wreck for weeks! I honestly haven't even been in there in almost two weeks except to get to the printer! I don't like when other blogs seem so perfect either, but then I think that they are just trying to put their best foot forward. I do love it when blogger show the real mess behind the craftiness though:)

  26. I could have written that blog.... lol. I have four kids as well and LIFE HAPPENS. I'm glad that my reality is the same as others' reality. I CAN'T do it all. I just do what I can, when I can. My best today could be better tomorrow. Who knows?

  27. Love this post! I have a very small blog and have realized that I have to do it for me or it's just not as fun! I always love reading your blog and love all of your projects! I to find that when I'm working on a project my house goes to the crapper! Case in point right now--tore out and redid a closet and the house hasn't been the same since it started! I usually get to the point where I can't take it anymore and have to set everything else aside and get clean and organized again. It's such a vicious cycle! Thanks for sharing!

  28. Oh my gosh Thank YOU! I was just thinking the other day as I read about someone's ridiculously supportive and adorable husband and perfect children..."GAG!" I usually want to kick my husband in the knees and my children are teenagers so they're not very likable right now. I adore my family and love my life but it's not as perfect as some make theirs out to be. Thank you! From, another real woman

  29. Kudos to you for keeping it real. I think every blogger should post their good projects and the fails. It makes them real to all of their readers. I talk about recipes or crafts that I've failed at, too. Everyone is human. P.S. My office looks like a mess A!

  30. I heart this post. I have blogged for a few years off and on and had several times that I felt just the same as you have. I often have to remind myself that a picture zoomed out would often look similar to my world. And if it doesn't that's okay too, I may be in a different season of life than someone else.

    And TV appearances? What is that about?

  31. LOVE this post and your honesty! Oh I have a room that looks all too similar to yours myself! And I sometimes prop patterned paper against the clutter to use as a background for pics! Thanks for relating to your readers so well... take it easy on yourself- you deserve more credit than you give yourself all the way around! :)

  32. You've inspired me to show the dark side of my think your office is bad? Wait till you see what my craftroom looks like!


  33. I love this post! It is so nice to know that other moms don't have it all together all the time. Thank you so much for keeping it real!

  34. i'm liking this. i think we ALL feel intimidated by those blogs. but i think we're supposed to. gives us something to work towards or to admire. keep on being awesome. i think you're doing great.

  35. THANK YOU!!! I am a new working mother of only ONE baby, and the only blogging I do is a family one... and I always feel when reading these blogs that I am somehow failing because I can't even finish one sewing project without everything falling to pieces! It is refreshing to see that you aren't all as perfect as your blogs make you seem... :)

  36. This post made me smile. My office looks just as bad, the only difference is it's just off the front door and there is no door to close! How embarrassing. It's nice to know that life is full of messes for all of us sometimes. :)

  37. LOVE this post and your honesty. I too want to be the perfect mother, wife, blogger, friend, etc. etc. but most of the time I'm just holding it all together with duct tape and a prayer. And you inspired me to air my dirty laundry ;) on my blog today!

    Keri @

  38. I had to Laugh out Loud, loudly in reading your most perfect post!!! "Double click to enlarge"... Still laughing, 'cause I relate in all you wrote (ponytail wearer, & do you mean there are clothes WITHOUT paint on them?? - who knew?? ;) ) and you are absolutely right on every point. Thanks for making it heard in a positive way!!


  39. Hi Stacy, thanks for visiting Crafty Geordi! I hope that you knew I was joking in my earlier comment! I am actually very envious of your success but not in a way to make me feel bad, I look at the successful blogs to try to see what works for them. It inspires me to step up my game, if you will. I also have to remember that I have unique limitations (I am a long commuter, spending 5 hours a day in the car) and to go easy on myself.....
    BTW, I love your blog and I wouldn't dream of unfollowing. I don't comment too often but am a frequent lurker.

  40. Very nice! Thank you for the reality check. I relate 100%!

  41. Oh my I thought I liked your blog before but I LOVE your blog!! I just read on facebook that your follower #'s went down today and hadn't read this post yet. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who can't look at certain blogs because I have a hard time believing they live in a perfect tiny bubble. I'm also glad to know I'm not the only one who pushes the junk out of the way for a picture, just to move it right back. I admire you for being so honest!!

  42. I love your blog. I am a new follower and added to your link party. Thank you for sharing so honestly about blogging. I thought I was the only one that can't get it ALL done sometimes so either you post an AWESOME blog while all hell breaks loose inside your house or the house is clean and the dishes are done, and dinner is made. Life is a compromise and balancing act for everyone. I agree with inadequate while looking at some SUPER blogs with perfect pics and perfect EVERYTHING. Its too hard to live up to that. I am just happy being me.

  43. I also love your blog, please go and accept this award!

  44. You know how I feel. Love your stuff. You are awesome, and even more awesome for the humility you show through real honesty. Keep it coming!

  45. Thanks for this post. I "kinda" have a blog. I feel bad about not posting very frequently, but I'm always so busy actually doing the stuff I'm supposed to be blogging about. I have great intentions, but lack some of the follow-through. Thanks for showing that, while it's hard, it can be done, and realistically, without aiming for perfection.

  46. Stacy-
    Okay you are totally freaking me out! I swear that you were reading my mind. This post sounds just like me! I just made myself do the dishes because we didn't have any bowls for mac n' cheese.. and I have to throw all the laundry on the floor just to get into bed at night. And I shower everyday only because I have paint EVERYWHERE! I have 3 boys and they are so fun but like you I yell too much- My kids don't hear me sometimes if I don't yell. Anyway keep doin what you are doin' you're awesome!
    We love ya and love your blog!


  47. wow... that was a honest and brave post!!! In some things I feel like you!!!
    Love your blog, Stacy!!!

  48. Wow,you've only been blogging for 6 months & have over 1,500 followers! Way to go. I have been blogging for a year & I was thrilled to reach 250 today! Ha ha! Your blog is so great & I visit often. Thanks for hosting another linky party. AND I appreciated this post. Is was fun to learn more about you.

    Warmly, Michelle

  49. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Stacy, it took a lot of courage to write this post, but I think there's a large segment in the blogging land who feel exactly as you do.

    My little photo area is actually an overturned rubber tote I put over my sewing machine as a type of cover. It makes a handy place to craft on - lol! I kind of worry about the dehydrator in the background, a bag of potato chips, etc., but cropping photos is my friend - lol!

    And bloggers like you are my new found friends for keeping it real and making us all feel like we're not failures if we don't have a "perfect" and organized home.


  50. Honestly, I prefer the blogs that aren't perfect--not because the perfect ones make me feel bad, but because the others show things that maybe I could actually do. I bookmark it and think that I really could do that. I appreciate all lovely things, but spend the most time on blogs that "fit" me.

  51. You are speaking directly to me! I know you are!!! Thank you for this post!

    My blog is almost a year old, but I took about half of that off because I'm it's kind of like I'm new! All these awesome blogs can make me feel very small! I love your feels very comfortable! But I am jealous of all your cool buttons. I tried reading an explination on how to make a button and it gave me a headache!

    There are always dishes in my sink, laundry to be washed & folded, crumbs everywhere, army guys in the couch, drippy noses, and jammie days!

  52. I love your blog and can hardly believe that you've only been blogging for six months because to me it seems so professional and put-together. It was one of the first blogs I started following when I joined BlogLand in January.

    Thank you for such an honest post. It's nice to know that there are others out there to whom I can relate. I love having a spotless house, but recently I've been so busy that the house has taken a back seat and now what should be my dining table looks a bit like that picture of your office. (At least I can see the table now, since I "picked up" a bit last night.)

    Keep up the great work, Mama-Blogger!

  53. Thank you for keeping it real and making me feel a whole lot better.

    Keep up the great work!!

    Michelle :-)

  54. AMEN! My craft room is really a CRAP room! That's what my husband calls it! Yeah!

  55. Lovely post!

    We only see the pictures that are shown to us!

    To keep perspective I sometimes try to imagine what is just beyond the edge of the picture that I am looking at:) And I don't mean that in a bad way to anyone, it just helps me to remember that we all have our own mess to clean up when we create something. It doesn't just magically appear out of thin air:)

  56. Haha OMGosh did you just sneak into my house & take pics? Were you really describing me up there? lol I'm kind of a neat freak but only cuz I HATE cleaning, so when I clean I want it to stay that way so I can do other things. But then my family enters the picture & everything goes out the window. Right now I'm looking at a blanket thrown across my loveseat that I've asked, begged, pleaded with & even hid from my hubby cuz he won't just fold the thing up when he's done. Do you think I'm gonna take 2 steps & fold it up? Nope I'm about to close this laptop, open a book & read until my nap kicks in lol Thanks for keeping it totally real cuz I often wonder how those super bloggers do it to. Now we know the real deal lol

  57. I think that's one of the reasons I enjoy reading your blog so much - you're real. Your pictures aren't all posey and perfect and they don't make me feel like my house isn't perfect. Although I must admit your expertise use of power tools intimidates me! LOL I'm scared to try - fearful I might cut off a finger or something. Maybe sometime you should do a Power Tools for Dummies post or something. haha

    Anyways, love your blog. Been hooked ever since you commented on mine and featured one of my projects as that is how I found out about you!

  58. Thank you so much for sharing this! I have a 'junk room' too (honestly, I had two junk rooms up until two weeks ago!). Its where everything in my house goes to die. Its on my to do list to clean it out. Im currently on an organizing rampage, and everything is getting shoved in there until I get to that room and decide what to do with it all. Oh boy.

    Thanks so much for keeping it real.

  59. Thank you for making me feel better. I look at all these blogs and everyone's perfect houses. I say to myself how do they do it and with kids! I have a junk room too. Keep up the good work. And I really like what you did with the lamps. I am going to try to do that with my living room lamps (cover them with material.

    Have a blessed day!

  60. Yes! You have just turned me into a super fan. I too just started blogging & I feel so intimidated and overwhelmed when I see everyone's perfect spaces. I think this would be a great "movement" to start...perhaps we can get all bloggers (even the perfect ones) to post a pic in their home without cleaning anything. favorite quote. "I am a mom who loves her kids like cRaZy but yells too much."
    Who doesn't feel like this?

    THANKS for posting this.

  61. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I LOVE it! I am a new blogger, and I am still very much learning, and easily become discouraged. However, you really brightened my outlook! Thank you!

  62. THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL NORMAL!!!! I also can't stand when I see a bloggy mom who does everything and then some and I'm in my pj's until 20 minutes before my husband comes home to "fool" him into thinking I've been working hard all day, lol.
