
Thursday, March 3, 2011


I know I talk about what a great linky party we had every week, BUT this week was AMAZING! Not only did we get over 200 link ups for the first time but we had some of the best projects. I made a list of like 20 things I wanted to spotlight but obviously that is too much. It was hard, but I narrowed it down. THANK YOU!!!

Over at the The Yellow Cape Cod   she made these amazing and bold striped curtains! I love how they go so well with the rest of her decor.
 Country Farmgirl built this shelf herself :) I adore the distressed finish!
At Modern Rust she spray painted a rug. That's my kind of gal :) I think it turned out great!

Dawn at Creative Cain Cabin transformed a white table into this green coffee table. I don't think it is a secret that I go all week in the knees for antiqued looking furniture :)

Melanna from Rhapsody of Cacophony made homemade Cadbury Cream Eggs. Let me say that again. HOMEMADE Cadbury Cream Eggs!!! Go visit her site for the recipe.

Sisters of the Wild West created this tuxedo pillow that was inspired by one they saw from Anthropology. I have a confession. I just found out what Anthropology was like a month ago. I kept hearing people talk about it but had never heard or seen it! I LOVE this pillow.

Kristin from Ink Blots And Polka Dots  made a ruffled pillow out of a drop cloth! I am not a frou frou person BUT (big but) I adore these ruffles!!! I think I need me one of those...

If you were featured grab my "I was featured..." button! It is on my sidebar. Just copy the html code in the box below and paste it into an "add a gadget". I can't wait to see what you ladies have for next week :)


  1. What delightful makes! Such talent.

  2. Love ALL of those...thanks for sharing.


  3. Thanks a heap for featuring my coffee table redo. It's so exciting seeing my work posted on your blog. :)

  4. Totally honored that you featured my drop cloth pillow ... it was a fun project to do that cost just a couple of dollars! I'll be smiling all day!

  5. What an honor to have my shelf featured. Thanks for hosting a wonderful link party!

  6. I LOVE the pillows in the Cape Cod pic. I want fabric like that to make curtains!!!! LOVE it!

  7. Thank you for the shout out. It was a great party, thank you for hosting!

  8. what gorgeous projects! Those pillows are awesome

  9. Wonderful projects truly they're all amazing. My favorite was the striped curtain and that adorable green coffee table I want to put it in my conservatory for afternoon tea this Spring.
