
Thursday, March 17, 2011

I am having a melt down.....

So I kinda had a melt down yesterday. Tears and all. I called my mom to see if she could come over after work so I could get out of the house. I have this amazing thing happening soon (that I don't want to tell you about yet) that requires a lot of preparation. I have been making myself crazy over it. I have a deadline that is fast approaching and I want to scream, then eat chocolate, then take a nap. So I am not going to do features today. I AM STILL GOING TO DO IT, but just not today. Today is a day where I take a deep breath and re-evaluate what really needs to be done verses what I want to get done. And eat chocolate.
Thanks for your understanding :)


  1. I pray that you get things sorted out for the needs and wants, good thing you have a Mom that could come and help you.

    Take care :)

  2. Awww. Glad you have family nearby to give you a bit of a break and a chance to re-charge and re-evaluate. There's nothing like a little chocolate to help soothe the soul! :o)

  3. Chocolate helps solve everything. Truly...Hang in there.

  4. Lists & chocolate always make me feel better. Hope it helps you too.

  5. Oh I so had one of those days last saturday. Tears, swollen red eyes. I have to say I felt much better after all of it though. Chocolate always helps too lol. Hope your day gets better and you get everything accomplished that needs your attention!

  6. Hang in there, girl! Yesterday was a tough day for me too. Maybe it's in the water!? LOL - Karen

  7. I have those days too, of course you have us all in suspense, on what could possibly caused such stress. I'm glad you had help, you are lucky.

    Have a better day girl!!



  8. Deep breath! Now take another one. Okay.

    Sometimes a good cry and a talk with Mom is all you need. And the chocolate. Hope you have a productive day!

  9. You totally deserve a break and chocolate! Relax and enjoy it. Don't feel bad. I hope everything going well with your big surprise thing, can't wait to hear about it!

  10. I could not agree more Stacy! I've totally been feeling the same way. And I don't even have anything as huge as you do coming up! I blame the weather. Or the time change. Or the fact that I see my husband for 15 minutes a day right now. Any of those. Good luck and hang in there! Let me know if I can help in anyway. Even if it's just to bring over some chocolate.

  11. evaluating what needs to be done, vs what what you want to get done is a constant struggle! Good luck and eat much chocolate. :)

  12. Good for you some chocolate! :)

  13. Hope a little break helps you through. I know the chocolate will!

  14. Stacy...

    I think we can all agree that you need to focus on what matters at the present moment. We will all just patiently wait for features and eat chocolate WITH you.

    Take a deep breath...


  15. Deep breath. Bite of chocolate. Repeat until you feel better!

  16. you deserve a break!!! enjoy lots of chocolate!! i'll eat some too, and send the happy chocolate vibes your way :)

  17. You and me both girl! Good for you. I'm actually working up a monthly mommy chore chart for myself. Let's face it, kids chore chart are great, but I'm the one who A) does 90% of the chores and B)forgets about 80% of them. LOL!

  18. Hey, don't worry about it! It's really easy, as a Blogger, to fall into that trap of pushing ourselves mercilessly: it always seems like everyone else has a perfect blog, and ours should be that way too. And we are all our own harshest critics. Those are sorta the pitfalls of self-employment, which is basically what blogging everyday is.
    So give yourself a true break! If you are breathing, there is more right than wrong :) and no one will be pissed at you for doing it!

  19. Hang in there, Stacy. I have days like that. Chocolate does indeed make them better!!


  20. Breathe!! Everything will be okay! We'll still be here!! :)

  21. Definitely grab the chocolate, and breathe. I've always said taking care of mom is taking care of the family. Can't wait to see what the big news is.

  22. Naps are key to me staying on the happy side of life. Chocolate too. Get the good stuff. Lindor Truffle balls. Yum!

  23. chocolate... and wine! do what you have to do it'll all work out in the end

  24. Did you know...chocolate is an - antioxidant, blood pressure reducer, and a migraine preventative? :) All about the health foods!Okay - supposedly DARK chocolate, so I just throw in an almond,solely for protein :), and I'm good to go.

    Have a blessed evening!

  25. Chocolate fixes EVERYTHING! I'm actually surprised its not an entirely separate food group in the food pyramid.
