
Friday, March 18, 2011

I {heart} punctuation!!!!!

So last night was parent teacher conference and I went in to my oldest son's class to meet with his teacher. He is doing awesome but there was one area where he needed improvement. Mechanics. HA! I leaned over and whispered "Me too bud." I think with the other side of my brain, you know? I do need to apologize to all you sticklers though. I am sure my blog is torture to read. I make up words, I use TONS of exclamation points, I misuse brackets ( or whatever they are called), I like commas and parentheses A LOT, and I am not planning on stopping anytime soon. When you talk to someone you  can see and hear the emotion in their voice. When I type things I want to you know how I am saying it. One exclamation point means I am happy, or I really like it. Seven means I am shouting and doing a victory dance. Italics means I am probably saying it with attitude or sarcasm. And when I use quotation marks just picture me doing animated Chris Farly quotation marks in the air. You get the idea. So maybe one day if I write a book I will be all "official" and "correct", but for now I will still make up words and use lots of these !!!???


  1. That totally okay! I do the same thing and dont' plan on changing anytime soon either! It's our blog and we can do what we want with it!

  2. Haha, love it! I know I overuse the exclamation point too, but I don't care!!!

  3. That's funny. I like the exclamation point as well.

  4. I am the same way. I mean I try my best, for bloggers sake, to use the best grammar I can. BUT I cant help but use a lot of !!! and :) and made up words... and even some text talk! eeek... oh well! :)

  5. I hate using proper punctuation. I like to show emotion in my writing too.

  6. LOL! I thought I was the only one.. I am so happy that I am not alone! :)
