
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Better Homes And Gardens Photo Shoot

 Part 2 of my story.......

(You can read Part 1 HERE)

*Thank you all for the support! I loved reading all the sweet comments yesterday. They made my day. I don't know why I was nervous to tell you all :)

 The next day the photographer and stylist came back to the house around 9 am for the shoot. When they came I was using my juicer to make homemade lemonade for lunch later. My 4 year old was sitting on the counter helping me peel the lemons. I had my hair curled but not fixed. I was in my PJs and no make up. Hey, they had seen me at my worst already so this was an improvement :) Plus the lemons covered up the old fridge funk. Laura, the stylist, ironed the wardrobe she brought for me as I worked on the lemons. Don't worry. I educated her on Downey Wrinkle Release. We chatted too while we waited for the photographer to set up all the cameras and other equipment. Then my husband took the two youngest and headed out to my mom's for the day. I got changed into one of the many cute outfits Laura had brought and finished getting ready. Then we got started.

 Laura Hull ( the stylist) and Edmund Barr (the photographer). Two of the coolest people EVER! I can't begin to tell you how much fun we had. I was so nervous before they came that they were going to be stuffy and business like. Snobby, uppity, etc. But they were unbelievably AWESOME. Edmund has got to be the cutest dad. He lit up every time he talked about his kids. He is ridiculously talented and managed to make me look pretty good in the shots. And Laura and I could be twins separated at birth. I stopped counting all the times one of us would say "Me too!". We have a lot in common. You know how when you meet someone and you gel right away? That was how it was for my husband and I with these guys.

 Okay, back to the shoot:

I forgot to mention that along with the 49 million things I was trying to do to get ready for all of this that I also had to find a wood ladder and paint it white. The art director at BHG thought a white ladder would be good for me to stand on so I was closer to the ceiling that they wanted to make the star of the room. Oh that ladder. That is a post for another day.
It has been a long time since I have had so much fun!!! As a stay at home mom my life is faaaaaaaar from glamorous. I mean, it couldn't get farther from it. And so it had been a long time since I felt cute. A loooooong time since I had a whole day to focus on me. There were no kids. I had adults to talk to. It was nice. And I didn't cry once. Up until that point whenever I thought about it I would tear up or full on sob. I was so excited and happy. I did a pretty good job of separating the shoot from the magazine, if that makes sense. I did pretty good until Edmund would say things like "Smile pretty cause 22 million people will read this." I had to tell him to stop because then it became real and that is when it was overwhelming.
We laughed a lot. I learned that if I tilt my head to the right it looks like "Come hither.." and if I tilt my head to the left it is sweet and innocent. Thanks Edmund! Now I now how to flirt with my husband :)
After we were done with one pose we would gather around the computer to look at them. They had professional things to say  like talking about "hard lines and soft lines". My contributions were things like "I like that one cause it has less crotch." (I was sitting cross legged on the bed) I am sure they thought I was a goof.
It was not at all how I had imagined it would be. I know this was their everyday. They have done this for a long time. But it is probably the only time for me. It was amazing and memorable.

After the shoot I had prepared a (late) lunch for them. I figured it was the least I could do after they were at my house most of the day. I was surprised to learn that this was the FIRST time someone had fed them. Isn't that nuts? I had called my husband when we were wrapping things up and had him come back home. We all sat around the table to eat and visited for over an hour. I think it is sad when you meet fun new people that you know you will probably never see again.

I don't want to be famous. I don't care if people like my bedroom. I care that something I decided I wanted at age ten was able to come true. It gave me the courage to try for other dreams I have. And I hope that you do too. Just go for it! Just ask. You never know. It may just happen. The worst thing that can happen is that someone tells you "no". Then you keep trying until you get a "yes". 
Thank you for reading my 2 part novel. Thank you for letting me share something special. I took shots of the shoot but I am saving them for another day :)


  1. That last paragraph brought tears to my eyes! I am so glad you had fun and realized one of your dreams and I am grateful you shared that with us!!

  2. Yesterday I commented that I was jealous and that is true. :) But I think that the thing I am most jealous of is that you have a room that is magazine worthy! :) You look beautiful in the pic above! And I think that it was totally awesome of you to make lunch in the midst of your stress! At least it sounds like you were truly able to enjoy it. Still excited for you!

  3. How fun! I am dying to see it!!! Congratulations. I totally agree with you on the asking part, too. I was telling my hubby about this last night and I said see it could happen for me too! He just kinda looked at me like it is definately inspiring to see someone reach a goal like this...makes me want to try that much harder to reach mine! So very happy for you. Thanks for sharing your expirience!

  4. It is amazing how two strangers can make you feel so comfortable and like you were meant to be in the same room with them! I am glad that you learned a thing or two from them too (thought that was cute about the head tilt and the flirting with your husband thing)! I also think that it is awesome that amongst the craziness you made them lunch, how sweet!

    Can't wait to see the article! Congratulations once again!

  5. Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed every bit of it! I'm thrilled for you and it makes it even MORE special that this was a lifelong dream of yours. Well deserved!

  6. I just read both parts. Holy Crap!!! Our blogs are the same age (minus one week for me) and I am inspired by all of your success. U go girl!!!

  7. Yay! I'm so glad you were able to relax during the shoot. It's awesome when you get to work with people you really like. Can't wait to see pics of it.

  8. I have been enjoying reading your dream day with BH&G! Wow! As a stay at home blogger, I understand how special this day was for you. I can't wait to see it in print as well.

    On a side note, I'm surprised no other home owners have fed them lunch! I have several blog friends that have made it into country sampler magazine and they all fed they photographers/stylists.

  9. This makes me smile.

    So glad you have a fun day - looking forward to seeing the feature! :)


  10. 22 million. Lets just pause on that for a moment shall we?!
    So happy for you!!
    Glad you had your day of glamour & dreams coming true.

  11. Wow! I just got caught up and read both your posts ... absolutely FANTASTIC! I'm glad you survived the mad rush leading up to your photo shoot but I can imagine it was every bit worth the stress! Congratulations on your childhood dream coming true! I cannot wait to see the issue of BHG! Thanks for sharing your journey with us and I'm happy that you've received a lot of support from your blog family!

    Jaime @ OH SO Chichi

  12. I am just so happy for you! I told my mom about it yesterday and she got so excited (she does't even know you lol!!) We both get Better Homes and Gardens! Do you know which month your article will be in?

    Oh and think about this - you have 2000 followers...imagine how many you will have once it gets in the magazine! lol.

  13. Stacy, I am simply so happy for you! What a tremendous experience to have such a big dream come true! I am glad you were able to so thoroughly enjoy the day and lived every moment of your big chance! Congratulations again!

  14. congrats ... cant wait to see it

  15. Sounds like the shoot went very, very well! Congrats...cannot wait for the photos.

  16. And THAT is how a stay-at-home mom can put her imprint on the world! I shared with you last week in my email that (at 6 months into this SAHM thing) I am having a hard time realizing my impact on anything of consequence. I was a teacher before staying home with my son, teaching being a profession (among many) that clearly touches the future and makes an impact. Staying home feel insular at times, and I have been struggling to figure out if doing the laundry or grocery shopping means anything.

    All this is just to say that you have inspired me to see these small things as meaningful to the creation of our home, which is place we all want to love to be. And just by doing your thing, you have not only inspired me and many others, but also you realized a childhood dream! That is truly amazing! I am so happy for you and cannot wait to hear about the issue release.

  17. You'll have to tell us when the magazine is coming out so we can all look for it. I feel like I know someone famous!

  18. So happy that the shoot went well and was stress free for you! I bet it will be fabulous in the magazine! Congrats! :)

  19. That is so amazing! How exciting! Congrats on having a childhood dream come true! Thanks for sharing, can't wait to see the pictures!

  20. I love this story, thanks for sharing it.

  21. That was an amazing story and I'm so happy that you got to have such a wonderful opportunity and that you had fun doing it! Congrats, I can't wait to see your bedroom pics in BHG!

  22. How blessed are you! That is great. I can't wait to see the shoot!

  23. Again, thanks for sharing your experience with us! I really am so happy that you are able to live out a childhood dream!

  24. I loved part 2 of this story!! Can there be a part 3? Please, please, pretty please?! :) Sounds like you had a lot of fun. So glad that it turned out so well so you didn't stress again a second day! I'm so very happy for you! I can't imagine what doing this felt like to you. A dream come true, for sure!

  25. Wow! I enjoyed ready all of this. I'm so glad you posted all of it. This post made me smile.

  26. First of all, I LOVE that you had so much fun with the shoot and hit it off so well with them. Congrats!!

    Secondly, I have a really 'dumb' question... I loved your last paragraph of just asking, and I have been wondering how they heard about your ceiling. Did you submit it to them for consideration? Or did they just 'happen to hear' about it?

    I am not a crafty blogger but people have been telling me for years to try to publish my writing somehow, but I have no idea how to go about the process and it is overwhelming to think about. So I was just wondering about your situation!

    Congrats again!

  27. Megan,

    After re-reading the post I realized I never talked about that part. I did on my family blog, so I must have thought I covered it here as well. I did email a picture to BHG. It was an email I found on the internet and I had no idea who it was going to. Luckily who ever it got to forwarded it to someone, who forwarded it to someone else and so on until it made it's way to the Senior editor of decorating. It must have been meant to be because I had no idea what I was doing!

  28. congratulations!!! that sounds amazing.

  29. Congratulations! I am so glad that I found your blog. What an inspiring story and what an amazing experience for you. Congrats again. What talent you have!

  30. OMGosh! I am soooo glad that you got to enjoy Day 2 so much! It sounds like you had a WONDERFUL experience and that makes us all smile! After all the prep and the not-so-great-Day-1 you had, you deserved all the fun you had on Day 2! Congrats again!

  31. Wow Stacy - that must have been quite the experience! I am so glad it was you and not me :) I would have been bawling I am sure. Your story (both parts) had me laughing at loud - love your comments for the pics! Do you know what issue you will be featured in? I want to make sure I get it :) I am so happy for you that your dream came true!

  32. Congratulations!!! This is phenomenal, and I hope you love the spread they do on you! What a great accomplishment, and you represent us mommas of many kiddos really well. I'm thrilled for you. Your month leading up sounds absolutely insane. I'm glad you made it through, and how wonderful that you fed them. I'm so glad you're the considerate one.

  33. Such an amazing story!! i cant wait to read it and see all the pics!! crotchless of course;)
    i am so happy for you! happy that it is over and done with and you and your famiy can now breath and also happy about your wonderful experience!! GOOD JOB!!

  34. Totally awesome! YOu deserve it! Congrads on reaching a dream. You will have many more dreams come true!!! You rock!
