
Monday, March 28, 2011

My BIG suprise, "The" project, and a DREAM come true

This post might end up being a little wordy but please read it all!!! I am normally a short and sweet and to the point kinda gal but there is a lot to tell and explain with this.And WARNING it might be all over the place too.

I don't know where to start so I think I will go back to where it all began.........

When I was growing up I was not normal. I wasn't girly. I would sneak into my dad's shed and get his tools. Then I would sit in the scrap wood pile and saw and hammer away. My first creations were "ducks" made out 2x4s. I think I was 5. When I was around the age of 10 I started a diary that I wrote in every single day until I got married. When I was 10 or 11 I started cutting pictures out of magazines (Mostly Better Homes and Gardens) and putting them in my journal. I would sketch out how I wanted my house and yard to look. And when I was 12 I wrote that I wanted to marry an architect so he could help me design my perfect house. I have always been aware of design, and I have always loved to create, paint, and build. When I was cutting out all of those pictures from Better Homes and Gardens as a kid I wanted to grow up and have my house in there. I have thought about it off and on for my whole life. I did end up marrying an architect, although I fell in love before I knew what his major was :) And I have had a blast decorating our tiny apartments and now our first home. I am not done decorating our home because money holds us back from completing everything at once. But I am happy with what I have dome so far.

Remember my bedroom??? The stenciled ceiling? Well, I got an email from the Senior Editor of Home Decorating and Remodeling at Better Homes and Gardens and she loved my bedroom.  She showed it to the Editor in Chief who also loved it. They wanted to put it in an issue of Better homes and Gardens!

(Insert plea here) I am side tracking for a minute. I want to discuss a topic for a sec. As women we tend to down play other people's success to make ourselves feel better. We all do it. I understand this feeling. Especially when I am in a point of my life when everything seems to be falling apart, it is hard to see someone who seems to be getting everything they want. It is REALLY hard when it is something I want too. Part of me is really happy for them but part of me can be jealous and even mad. I want you to celebrate this with me. That is why I included the story of my childhood. This would be a big thing for just about anyone, but it is EXTRA HUGE for me. Truly a dream come true. So please don't say "Well, it is all the way in the BACK of the magazine." or "My neighbor's house is waaay more beautiful than hers." "Why is she getting all this attention? It is not that great."

Back to the story.....

The editor asked me to send her more pictures of my bedroom. I have a decent camera and I tried to get really awesome shots cause I figured these would be the ones in the magazine. I got another email from her talking about scheduling a photo shoot. Say whaaaaaaa??????? Yep. A full blown photo shoot of my bedroom with a professional photographer and a stylist for me (and the room). Aaaaaa! Crazy. It was scheduled for March 24th and it only gave me a couple weeks to prepare.

Enter left stage: Crazy woman. I have to admit I bit off more than I could chew. I made lists, I bought supplies, and I was determined to finish every half done project (Yikes! I had more than I realized) and even start some new ones. I am too embarrassed to show you my list. Three pages long, people!!!! And these were not small things. It looked really good on paper. I even made out a schedule. But my schedule didn't account for 4 children. My list didn't account for a husband who was MIA due to deadlines and overtime at work, and my schedule did not account for my many melt downs. I had to scale down my list from 3 pages to one. That was hard for me. Needs above wants. That is never fun.

I have never in my life pushed my self so hard. The only time I sat down was to go to the bathroom. I didn't get very much sleep either. And there was lots of chocolate consumed. One day I woke up and ate it for breakfast. I figured it was kinda like a preemptive strike. I refinished my wood floors upstairs all by myself. (my hubby did help me move all the furniture out) We got new windows a while back and the window guys were not gentle when they ripped out the old ones. They left a lot of damage and did a poor job caulking. I added molding to cover the damage, re-caulked, and painted all the basement ones. I repainted all the molding around all the windows, door frames and baseboards. I pressure washed then primed (twice) and painted (twice) 2 sets of exterior stairs. I painted both sides of the kitchen door. I re-stained the inside of the front door. I did touch up paint on all the walls. I fixed TONS of little things that were broken which actually took most of my time.  I cleaned out flower beds and added new top soil. I sanded down my dining room table and re-stained it and sealed it. I feel like I forgetting something....
All while this is going on I was trying to make things for the Silhouette giveaway, I had 2 TV appearances to prepare for, and I got a new big calling (aka job) at church. I was trying to sew a skirt for "point of view" too. Not to mention all the other MOM stuff like parent teacher conference. Throw in my period for good measure and you have One. Hot. Mess!!!!

Don't get me wrong. I felt so blessed. I was thanking The Man Above every night for being so lucky. I could write a whole post on that alone. And maybe I will....

If you can believe it, I was also trying to work on my kitchen re-model (min- makeover on steroids) at the same time! I finally scrapped that with a few days to go.

My schedule, that had also been scrapped at this point, had said all the projects would be done with 3 days to spare so I could clean. Projects are messy. Projects times 100 are even messier. Everything that is normally in garage was in my house. Caulk guns, tarps, rollers, ladders, etc. There was dust everywhere. The cleaning in all reality would have taken a week. Seriously a WEEK. Do you know when I actually started the cleaning??? Mid morning on THE DAY THEY WERE COMING.

Panic. Fear. Gut ache. Hyperventilating. Sweating. Heart racing. Light headed. Stunned at my stupidity for waiting.

Enter: Best people ever!
I hate asking for help. I hate asking people with small children for help even more. I had one friend take my 4 year old to her house for the whole day. Thanks Melissa!!!! I had another friend run errands for me and make the chicken salad I had planned on making. She took my older kids after school as well. Thank you Chelcie!!!!! And my sister-in-law, niece, and mom came over to help with the last of the cleaning. Thanks Mindi, Bailee, and Mom!!!
I am totally humming "No Man Is An Island" from high school choir right now......
What would we do with out good people around us???

This was the hardest part of the journey for me.  I am not only a control freak to the nth degree, but I am a clean freak as well. I had to let a lot of things go. I had to let perfection go. Even as I type this I am getting anxiety. I didn't dust everything. The picture frames had layers and layers of dust. (And they looked at every one, by the way) So did the ceiling fan. My bathroom would have gotten a passing grade but was far from really clean. The old ugly fridge was still in my kitchen along with the new one. It stunk because it was unplugged and I didn't clean it yet. I could go on and on. I prayed that they wouldn't notice but I know they did. They get paid to notice the details. I got to the point where I had plastic totes and I was shoving all my crap in them and taking them to the garage. Dirty laundry got bagged up and thrown in there as well. There are currently 6 bags of laundry and six giant totes of crap in my garage. And I really don't want to get them out :)

Not only was my house not all that I wanted, but I was a sweaty stinky mess. I hopped in the shower and got dressed  a few minutes before they arrived. Yep. I answered the door for two swanky L.A. professionals looking like a drowned rat. No make up. Dripping wet. And flustered. This was Better Homes and freakin' Gardens!!! I was disappointed that I was not prepared like I had wanted to be. It was not like I had envisioned in my mind. It was not even close to perfect.

I forgot to mention that the photographer and the stylist would be coming for 2 days. The day they flew in they wanted to come and see the room. They wanted to see the size and lighting and all that jazz. And they wanted to meet with me. They also unloaded most of their gear. The next day was to be the actually shoot.So I had lost out on first impressions  but I had a second chance to clean a little better for the next day. I was up till 2 am. Not all was done, but it was better. So much for beauty sleep!

I am worn out! Writing this all down was like re-living it for me. All the emotion came back. That was a lot of info as well. I think I will insert a "To be continued......." here.

The photo shoot details will post tomorrow :) There is a lot of info with that as well....

UPDATE: You can read part 2  HERE.


  1. I am so proud that your child hood dreams came true are being waaaaay too hard on your self. I can't wait to see everything! Now, for all of the bagged laundry in the garage, send it to me and I will wash and line dry everything for ya, it will be all nice and fresh and one less thing you have to deal with. Sit down and enjoy your dream come true and your success for a while!!

  2. That is fantastic! (Not the stress and the feeling like first impressions were bad, but the dreams coming true!) Will you let us know what issue you'll be in?

    I think it's amazing that with everything going on, you got an entire page done of projects. Nothing like a deadline to make a woman work like crazy!

  3. Oh my goodness my heart was pounding just reading all of that!! What a fabulous opportunity for you and I'm sure you're much harder on yourself than they will ever be! Don't beat yourself up... give yourself huge pats on the back! This is an awesome thing and you absolutely deserve it! Congrats!

  4. Stacy- Congrats to you. I am totally with you in celebrating good things happening to others and even more DREAMS coming true! SWEEEEEET~~ My goodness, I was feeling anxious as I read all you did and had to do before! Just think you did knock off items on your list!

  5. That is so amazing! Congratulations!

  6. What a fabulous opportunity! Congratulations! Enjoy it and savor every moment, because you deserve it!

  7. Holy Mackerel!! I have a pit in my stomach...I read every word and my heart is pounding for you. A great BIG CONGRATULATIONS! You deserve every bit of it. We could be sisters with the way things happened...right down to the last minute shower.
    Good Luck with every thing and keep us updated.

  8. Stacy!!!! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!

    Oh, don't get me wrong, I am totally and completely jealous. LOL!!

    This is HUGE! Any childhood dream actually conming to fruition is major! This one I can share in your excitement because it is my dream to someday have my home in print! I can't even imagine the excitment you must feel!

    I subscribe to BHG so I will for sure be waiting for your issue!! I'll be all giddy 'cause I "know" you. LOL

    And don't one will know have a clue what was happening in the background they will just be drooling over your bedroom! :)

  9. Oh my gosh girl, you had so much going on!!! I am sure the shoot went fabulous! I am so proud of you for making your childhood dreams come true!

  10. WOW. How many people can say they wanted to marry an architect and DID, and grew up loving better homes & gardens and ended up IN THE MAGAZINE! I don't care if it was a 1" small picture in the back, THAT'S BEYOND HUGE!

    Congrats. I'm so glad you gave us a true behind the scenes of it all, because sometimes we flip through pics in magazines and online, and we forget about the flustered people who gave so much of their lives to make it work.

    Kudos to you! Praise the LORD you had this opportunity!

  11. This is amazing! I can't believe I sent you an email about my meltdown over spilled yogurt the day AFTER all this! My gosh! Isn't it always the way: you plan and plan, but things do not go the way your envision them? I hope that did not taint this experience for you. It sounds as if you know that is just the way of life. I am glad you got this wonderful opportunity to fulfill a lifelong dream. So happy for you!

  12. Congratulations, Stacy!!! I can't wait to pick up the magazine!


  13. CONGRATULATIONS!! That is just so awesome! I'm so happy for you!

  14. That is awesome and e way you wrote it felt like I was living in your moment with had me sucked into the story!

    Congratulations to you and I look forward to seeing the pictures tomorrow!

  15. Oh my gosh, what an amazing thing! It really should be featured in a magazine ... it's so incredible. I can't even imagine how excited you are!

  16. Congrats...dreams do come true!!! Keep us posted of all the details!!

  17. I am so excited for you! :) Yes, a wee bit jealous, but oh so excited! :) What a huge compliment for you and all of your hard work! Cant wait to see the layout in my subscription! :)

  18. Congratulations! What an exciting opportunity for you! You had me sucked in to the story as well and I could totally feel your anxiety/panic.

  19. Oh..I'm so sorry that it was so stressful...I'm looking forward to your pictures though. Congrats on Better Homes and Gardens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. This would totally happen to me...and I only have one child and too many pets who would choose the BHG day to have diarrhea or pee all over.

  21. How exciting! That ceiling is awesome so I totally see why they would want to feature it!

  22. Congrats! This is VERY exciting, and it sounds like you reacted EXACTLY like I would! :-) I hope you have some "down time" soon to let yourself reel all this out. But in the meantime, know that this Hoosier stuck in IL is rooting for you, and can't WAIT to pick up my Better Homes and Gardens off the shelf to buy to support your article!

  23. Wow! You made me tired just reading all of that. And I thought my life was hectic and a bit of a blur most of the time. But BHG! How cool is that. How exciting. You will have to keep us posted when it will be in the mag so we can be sure to pick up a copy. Just think now all your projects are done so you can relax, right? (except you have to go through the totes and do laundry). Now breath!

  24. Stacy, that is A-MAZING! I got chills for you when I read that you got this shoot. And then, I can also totally relate to the madness that ensued in trying to get ready and have everything "just right". I go on similar tangents for parties at my house for crying out loud! If BHG was going to show up at my doorstep, I think I would have had a nervous breakdown. An excited nervous breakdown, but still. Good for you! Well deserved, and I can't wait to see the product of all of your labor!

  25. Why did you want to fix up your whole house when they were only there to photograph your bedroom?

    That's really cool that they came thhough! But, sounds like you def. bit off more than you could chew.

    Good luck recovering!

  26. Congrats! I can't wait to see the pictures.

  27. 1) That sounds amazing - CONGRATULATIONS!

    2) In addition to we women often trying to put others down to boost ourselves, we are also our own worst critics. You are way, way harder on yourself than you should be. BHG is an AMAZING opportunity and I know it will be awesome and great!

    ::High Five, Girl:: :)

  28. Wow! I would have been stressed too, but how cool is it that you got featured?


  29. First off - Huge Congratulations! That is so awesome, not just because BH&G is a totally awesome granddaddy of them all home mag, but because it was your dream & you caught the star.

    You have to promise and take a day off to do nothing when the cameras pack up & leave. Only after you've had that time to breathe, can you post those pics which you know we're all dying to see. Can't wait to see it all.

  30. Better Homes & Gardens!!!!! that is fantastic!!!! CONGRATS!!!! you deserve it, your bedroom looks amazing!!! you are a wonderful inspiration and you deserve all these great things that are happening to you!!
    I did laugh reading your recount of the events, the chocolate for breakfast and biting off more than you can chew in the time you have, that sounds like something i would do. I can't wait to see the pictures, i am beyond excited for you!

  31. What an amazing opportunity--and one you totally deserve!! You've worked so hard and are so creative. I love that you get to have that rewarded in a way!!


  32. You should be so stinking proud of yourself. What an accomplishment. I'm sure all of your followers, family and friends are so proud of you! Congrats & can't wait to see pictures =)

  33. Aaaauuuugggghhh! I'm mentally jumping up and down because I'm so stinking excited. I understand the dream and I've often wondered how people get featured in there. I've also often thought that those that did get in BHG were very wealthy and had decorators. What makes this more exciting is that your case proves me wrong. How awesome! It also lets me know that dreams are worth reaching for. I'm so excited for you but also exhausted thinking of all the work you had to do.

  34. I am a new follower and HOLY are amazing! Can't wait to hear how it all turned out. Congratulations to you! What a dream come true!

  35. Okay, the crazy race to get everything ready sounds a bit overwhelming, but what a fantastic and well-deserved honour for you! I hope you get a brand new frame to show off your magazine page when it comes out!

  36. You are amazing and I love you and your dusty picture frames too! Being in the back of the magazine is more than most of us could ever dream of. Don't discount making the mag! Your bedroom is fantastic and I break commandments (thou shalt not covet thy neighbors bedroom?)every time I look at it! Can I clip out the article and put it in my journal?

  37. Oh em gee Stacy! Your darn right I'm jealous, who wouldn't want their home in BHG? But I am so excited for you! Your ceiling was totally unique and so beautiful that I am considering it in my guest bath! Growing up children are told "you can do anything you want if you want it badly enough" and you wanted this! And you got it! Congrats my friend =) I cannot wait to see the mag.

  38. We must have been related in a nother life! I am so like you, overdoing it and trying too hard sometimes. But when it's all over and done, you'll be okay and happy with everything. Maybe it's being a woman or maybe it's just being who we are that makes us want to work too hard on things sometimes. I had to smile and sympathize when I read your post. Been there done that on a lot of it. I am so happy for you! In a magazine, no less! You deserve it! You are one talented chick who has a great knack for putting things together! Yea, YOU! :) - Karen

  39. how amazing! I'm so happy for you. I subscribe to BHG and I can't wait to feel semi-important because I read your blog BEFORE you were featured in BHG :) Congratulations!!

  40. That is amazing! Bless your heart, though! Sounds like you had a LOT on your plate! I know the first time I saw your bedroom though, I got tears in my eyes! No joke! It is so beautiful and happy! I'm super excited for your dreams to come true! I can't wait to see the next post and the finished article! I get BHG every month!

  41. Congratulations! I love BHG and the "I did it" page is my favorite article in there. I read that page first. Congratulations again. That is really exciting!

  42. That is so cool!! Hopefully you are caught up on sleep, and I can't wait to see it! Congrats!!

  43. Congrats, Stacy!! That is so awesome, especially since it was a childhood dream. Wow, Better Homes and Gardens!!!!

    Eeks, I sure wouldn't want them in my home, but I KNOW they were impressed. They had to be because they picked you to come visit. So chin up and give yourself some credit. Look at the beauty and creativity of your room, not the dust on the frames!

    Kudos to you, Stacy!!

    Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

  44. That's so awesome! I can't wait to hear about the photo shoot. BHG is the best!

  45. What an amazing opportunity! Congrats! Can't wait to see the pics.

  46. i'm so excited and happy for you! all the hard work and effort you've put into your dream is finally paying off! Congratulations!!

  47. Congrats! This is such an honor! I receive my Better Homes & Gardens every month through the mail and can't wait to see you in it!

  48. What an adventure! I'm so (genuinely) happy for you. YOU DESERVE THIS ATTENTION! We'll all stay tuned for more.

    Warmly, Michelle

  49. I am so happy for you! I'm sure that you are exhausted, but you should feel so proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished. Can't wait to see the BHG article!

  50. Good for you! I am so excited to see the pictures, and better yet, to get my magazine! I always bite off more than I can chew as well, but I am sure your house looked! I am so happy for you!

  51. wow!!!!! what an awesome opportunity!!! now you should sleep for a week. and I should stop whining about my normal everyday cleaning and do it. :)

  52. That's awesome!!! I am so excited for you and I think this is great!!!!! WOOT WOOT to you!!!

  53. that's INCREDIBLE!!! i am SO excited for you! i can't wait to see the pictures :)

  54. Congratulations Stacy! Very Exciting news! You must be pinching yourself!

  55. You. Are. Amazing. *Amazing!!* Congratulations on the BHG piece! And while I can admit a tad bit of jealousy (mostly because I want my home to be beautiful and it's not there yet), I do not envy the craziness you had to go through (seriously, your ideas about trying to finish projects, be a clean freak, and handle the rest of life sounds a bit too close to home for me). I'm sure it feels great to have this done. And I am so happy for you! When you first posted your stenciled ceiling I *knew* it belonged in BHG. Well done, you! :-)

  56. Congratulations on being featured in BHG! I am soo happy that you are getting a dream come true! And you deserve it!

    I would say that you shouldn't have worried about all other things, they were only there to see the one room. But.....I would have done the SAME thing you did! So, I can't throw rocks when I live in a glass house myself! LOL! But, look on the bright least now you have a ton of To Do Projects marked off your To Do List and now you can just take a break for a while and not feel guilty about the things you should be doing...after all, you've done them already! :)

    Enjoy your magazine fame! We'll all be looking for you in there!

  57. I am SOOOOO happy for you! I just recently found your blog and facebook page and love it. The funny thing about reading blogs is that if you read the goods ones enough you feel like you really know the preson. So I am truly happy for you and know you worked hard to reach a Dream...if not before..surly while you were up till 2AM ;) YAY !

  58. Stacy- I am so so HAPPY FOR YOU! CONGRATULATIONS. What an honor. email me the link to your stencil ceiling, I apologize but totally missed out. Shame on me. I would of been seriously freaking too.. you want every single thing detailed polished and perfect. I would of been a complete sicko mommy dearest crazed woman... ha ha ha lol. None the less, I can't wait to see your feature. BRAVO. xo winks- jen

  59. I am so happy for you and your dream come true! Congrats! I can't wait to see it in the magazine.

  60. Wow! That is SO SO SO exciting! I'm glad you had helpful support. I know it's hard to let go of that control and perfectionism.

  61. OH MY!!! I"ve been dying to know what's been going on with you, lol!! that is so awesome. be sure and tell us which month it will be in the magazine!!

    I probably would have run around all crazed like you did before hand, lol. Can't wait to read more about this!

  62. Wow! What an amazing, scary, happy dream come true! Congratulations to you. Enjoy the ride!

  63. OMG That is so awesome!!!! And so deserved too.
    Forget what those naysayers say, they are just jealous and we all know what jealousy is.
    I don't normally buy BH&G these days but will definitely get this one, I can't wait to see it!!!

  64. How amazing is that! Congratulations times ten haha. If they don't realize that life is being lived in your house then they can....i don't know, but they should realize it haha.
    congrats again

  65. Oh wow Stacy! I love this story! You are totally amazing! Not only is your bedroom going to in BHG but you have all that other stuff going on too - not to mention the 4 children and hubby and house and.... I am impressed beyond measure that you finished what you did. I am always trying to do things at the last minute or thinking I have enough time to "do just one more thing". But I have never had anything like this before and I doubt I ever will! I agree with James above - your house is lived in and they better just figure that out first thing.

    Ok, so I can't wait to hear some more details and what issue? I don't care where it is in the magazine - I will tell everyone :) I don't regularly take that magazine anymore as I never seem to find time to sit down and read one but I will get that issue and my neighbor does take it so I will show it to her too.

    Lastly, congratulations! It sounds like you sooo deserve this :)

  66. Oh my goodness! Congrats on the photo shoot and being included in the magazine.

    I am always scrambling up until the last minute for any kind of gathering. I find in the end that there is always something, somewhere that doesn't get done. But in the end whatever it was doesn't really matter all that much because the main goal (the getting together, or in this case having your dream come true) is what really matters. I am sure the photo shoot will turn out beautifully!

  67. That is AWESOME! Congratulations. So exciting! I was stressed out (and tired!) from just reading this. And if people don't understand *why* you did all that you did...well, they just don't get it, and they never will. :) You are my hero! Congrats again.
    Megan P.

  68. How AWESOME is that!!!!!!!! Congratulations!! You had me tired from just reading. I know the pics will come out great and the fact that a childhood dream has come true is the icing on the cake. I can't wait to see the photos.

  69. How exciting! When I read your posts about the celing stencil I thought you might have lost your mind! hehe But about payoff! I'm SO impressed!

    I can't wait to see the magazine! I'm going to show it to everyone! I read HER blog! No, really-I do! hehe

  70. Congrats! That is really awesome for you. It sounds like you're going to need a really long nap after this is all over!

  71. WOw and WOW. I can't believe you did all of those projects. You are SUPER woman!! I am so happy for you. BHG that is so cool, AND to think that it was your life long dream. AMAZING!! Congrats. How COOL!! I don't know how you did it, especially with your hubby busy too. and keeping your awesome blog going too. Simply Amazing!! I can't wait to see the magazine.
