
Friday, April 15, 2011

Get real!

So awhile back I did a post about my messy office, among other things, called "The Dark Side Of Blogging".  I got a huge response. Not just in comments but in emails as well. It was brought up more than once that we should have a linky party where we link up posts where we are being "real". It doesn't have to be about messy houses or your deepest darkest secret either. You decided what being real means to you. I think there are things that don't always get discussed and so we feel like maybe we are the only one (or at least the minority) that feel that way. But I would be willing to bet that most of us have the same kind of melt downs, the same iinsecurities, the same fears, the same struggle with keeping a balance in our lives. And for some reason when we share all of that with each other, it makes us feel normal. It makes us not be so hard on ourselves.

So lets do it! I will keep this linky party up for at least a week. Lets see who is brave enough to share :)

Link up a post (new OR old) about something that you feel is "being real". I can't wait to read them all!!!


  1. What can be more real than my diary entry from yesterday?! LOL!! Great idea for a linky party!!!

  2. If I had a picture of my office, it would fulfill your "get real" topic, but instead, I'm hosting a "Party in Paris" and I'd love for you to pop in!


  3. Huh I announced earlier this week I was doing exactly this kind of link party on my blog coming soon.

  4. Stacy, YOU ROCK! I love this! I immediately grabbed my camera and shot the 'realness' of my situation just this am! YOU, my dear, are amazing...but make the rest of us normal people feel like we have a chance to be 'amazing' too, because you tell the truth and always KEEP IT REAL! Thank you from the bottom of my sweatshirt and robe covered little heart. ;)

  5. LOVE this idea and off to read more fabulous "Get Real" blogs.

  6. You KNOW I will link up today! Thanks Stacy!

  7. What a great idea! I linked up an old post, but I think most of mine fit into what "real life" is like here at my house. :) I can't wait to read the other links!!

  8. I'm looking forward to looking through the links. This is a fun idea!

  9. I am so glad that I am not the only person who looks around their house and thinks "I really want to post this new project I did, but I have 5 other projects laying around..." or does the "speed routine" to clean up the surrounding area of WHERE you are taking the picture, etc. Thanks for the linky party today!

  10. Ahh man, can I list several meltdowns, mess ups, etc? Where do I even begin. LOL. Thanks
    for the linky.

  11. Scrappy Housewife,
    How fun! Let me know when it is and give me your blog address. I will come link up :)

  12. Oh this is funny. I love your take on keepin' it real. I've been doing 'Fess Up Friday on my blog for a while now and they are always my favorite, and easiest, posts to write.

  13. I hope you don't mind, but I linked back to this page.... Let me know if I need to remove it! I only have 2 followers so... lol.

  14. What a great idea!! I'm going to be linking up soon with a picture of what my kitchen/craft area really looks like - lol! It ain't pretty.

    Tracy All Thumbs Crafts

  15. what fun! Mine is from last year, but it shows my "just renovated, and cleaned for the photos" kitchen, and my "Everyday" looking kitchen, lol.

  16. I have plenty a mess to show, but here's a dose of reality for you... I am too lazy to document and post about it. So, I posted about how I never take a bad picture because we all know it's true. ;)

  17. Awesome idea, Stacy. I'm really enjoying reading the links!


  18. LOVE THIS! I just love the opportunity to be real with my readers and not fake the funk. I'm a new follower! I don't want to miss a thing :)

  19. I LOVE this idea! I am so glad to see that I am not the only creative super messy person with piles and projects all over her house. =)

  20. Great Idea for a linky party! I actually wrote a post about "showing the real" a couple weeks ago and told my readers I was going to do just that on my blog! No one is as perfect as they seem in blogland! It IS nice to read about other people's "failures" so we all feel a little more normal!

  21. This is a great link party. I think it allows us all to relax and just be real. As bloggers, it is hard to get over the idea that everything needs to be perfect for each post. This kind of forces us to be brutally honest and I really appreciate it! Not to mention, I saw a spike in traffic...I guess people like to know that none of us are perfect. ^.^
