
Friday, December 3, 2010

An annoucement!

I am starting a linky party!!! I know there are like a kagillion of them out there but I don't care. The more the merrier I say! Who doesn't like a party? I have participated in linky parties
since day one of me blogging and have always wanted to do one. I have held off because I have this fear that no one will link up. But I am going to be brave and do it ( so please link up!). I love the idea of all the wonderful ideas coming to me.
I will host the linky party on Tuesdays and then feature some of you on Wednesday. I am going to start it next week. YEAH!

Okay, on to a totally unrelated topic. . .

We have chickens and ducks. I love it. We are blessed to live in a small town and on a large lot. My oldest boy is in charge of feeding/egg collecting. I have been so impressed over the last couple of years to see how responsible he has been. He has also got very attached. We all have.
The day after Thanksgiving two huge dogs got into our yard and killed all but one chicken and our only girl duck. So sad. I won't go into all the details (that is what my family blog is for ) but needless to say, my kids were devastated. Ironically, the person who owns the dogs is the man up the road who we got 2 of our ducks from. He has hundreds of chickens and ducks and they came all the way to our house to eat some. Weird. But he paid us for the chickens and gave us a new lady duck. She is beautiful! We named her Clementine. (keep reading. . . I promise there is a point to this story)
Here are all the ducks. The Mallard twins, Beakers and Quackers. And my favorite, Mother Goose, which is a boy. Hey, we named him as a duckling. Back off. And our new girl duck Clementine.
Our one remaining chicken is so traumatized. Today is the first day she came out of the coop. And she stood in the same spot for HOURS and didn't move. Poor thing.

Well the whole reason I shared our sad tale is to get to this. Since I have been making necklaces lately for my etsy shop, my oldest asked if I would make a chicken and a duck for him so he could always remember them. Sure! Anything to help him heal :) My other boys wanted a necklace too. Only my 6 year old wanted a shark and my 3 year old wanted a purple elephant. Um. Okay.
The chicken is my favorite. I am thinking of making some chicken necklaces for my shop!
Thanks for letting me share and don't forget to come back and link up on Tuesday!


  1. Can't wait for your linky party Tuesday! I'm going to stop by to "party".

  2. I love linky parties! I'll be sure to link up!

  3. Oh... I hate that about the chickens and duck :( So sorry! But I love the new additions to your family... So sweet! And look at all your snow! Love the little necklaces for your son! Hope he gets over the shock/sadness soon!! And the other chicken, too... :(

  4. too many linky parties - nonsense!

  5. I will be linking up when the time comes!

    Sorry about your birds. The memory versions are very sweet though!

  6. Oh SO sad! I keep telling my hubs that I want a little farm with chickens, ducks, goats etc... but I get too attached to animals, so he says it's not a good idea... Anyway, I LOVE your darling blog, and I would love to link up, but have NO clue how. HELP :)

  7. Sorry about your chickens and duck. Clementine is beautiful! Hope your son is feeling better.
