
Monday, December 27, 2010

Show Me What Ya Got #4

 Yesterday I posted about my favorite projects of this year since I have not made anything lately because of Christmas. Today I want you to link up your favorite projects you have done this year. It doesn't matter how old the post is. I just want to see your favorites :)

*Since this party is new and I want lots of link ups, I am not going to put a limit on how many projects you can add. It can be new or old. I just want to see what you have done and be inspired!

*Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog.

*Also, please visit at least 2 other links and leave a comment. We all love comments!

I am not going to require that you become a follower in order to participate, but it is easier. I participate in so many linky parties that it helps to have a reminder. I just scroll through my blog roll and click right on to which ever sites have a party that day. Just something to think about :)
If you don't know how to link up I created a post with pictures and instructions. There is a link on my side bar.

Please spread the word about this linky party. The more links, the more we all are inspired. Add this button to the bottom of your post, side bar, or add this party to your list. I am not picky. Just put it somewhere! Thanks.

I am going to have this party open for 2 days from now on. I will do features on Thursday.


  1. Thanks for the chance to look back on my crafty projects and link up my fav - Domestic Bliss frame. Wishing you a wonderfully creative year ahead !

  2. Thanks so much for hosting!! I'm your newest follower! I found you on my BBFF Bella's page! :)

  3. Feel free to link this linky party up to my Wicked Sweet Wednesday Link party... it will be up tomorrow on my blog.


  4. I am also linking this link party up to both my linky lists on my organize with sandy and my chat with sandy blogs.

  5. Thanks for hosting and thanks for sharing your best linky tips. I'm new to linking and want to use my best linky manners:)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Stacy,

    Thanks for the linky, thanks for your time to visit my website and for the nice words. I wish you a wonderful year ahead and May the upcoming year brighten your life and your family.

