
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Show Me What Ya Got #5

Every week we get more and more links! I am happy that you are all visiting other people's links too. You ladies impress me with your creativity!!! Thanks for taking the time to link up and share your projects with us :) If you haven't seen them already, I have some FREE printables for you! You can get the Winter one HERE and the Valentine one HERE. More are coming soon so check back later in the week :)

On to the the linky party!!!!

*Since this party is new and I want lots of link ups, I am not going to put a limit on how many projects you can add. It can be new or old. I just want to see what you have done and be inspired! Please don't link up something you have already linked up here in the past.

*Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog.

*Also, please visit at least 2 other links and leave a comment. We all love comments!

I am not going to require that you become a follower in order to participate, but it is easier. I participate in so many linky parties that it helps to have a reminder. I just scroll through my blog roll and click right on to which ever sites have a party that day. Just something to think about :)
If you don't know how to link up I created a post with pictures and instructions. There is a link on my side bar.

Please spread the word about this linky party. The more links, the more we all are inspired. Add this button to the bottom of your post, side bar, or add this party to your list. I am not picky. Just put it somewhere! Thanks.

I am going to have this party open for 2 days and I will do a feature post on Thursday.


  1. Linked up my new year cards. Off to visit the others now.

  2. Newly following your blog and loving it (checked out your etsy store too)!
    Come check out my blog if you get a chance and say hi!
    The Spangler @
    The Quick Unpick

  3. I'm linking up today with my board and batten project. Now I'm going to enjoy my tour of blogs that have also linked up! Thanks for hosting this linky party.

  4. I posted a link, and am posting on other sites, what beautiful projects everyone has.

  5. I love a fun party! I'm heading over to see what I've got to link up! ;) Thanks for hosting!

