
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Announcing the new Host of "Sew with me Saturdays" !!!

 The linky party is still going on, just scroll down!

* Before I announce I want to extend an invitation to all who linked up a project and was not chosen. I would LOVE for you to guest post. You were all amazing and had wonderful projects. You are welcome any time. Just email me :)

  I just want to say that I don't think I am cut out to be a judge. I made myself sick over this!!! I had the hardest time choosing. I guess I just thought there would be one clear winner and I would just "know". But I didn't. I made a pros and cons list, asked my husband, and even considered picking a name out of a hat. But after looking through all of the blogs ( yep, I was the creepy blog stalker who looked at every one of your posts) I knew who I wanted. So here you go!


Tammy from She Wears Flowers!!!!
Tammy has detailed tutorials with beautiful pictures. Her ideas are amazing!!! I am so excited to have someone who knows what the heck they are talking about to post about sewing! Because I think we all know I can't :) I am hoping to learn a thing or two and maybe make something other than simple square pillows. . . that aren't so square.