
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Winter Activities For Kids { PART TWO }

First of all if you missed the first activities post you can see it HERE. Second, this post is not a post focusing on awesome photography skills.

Magic Show

Alright, I am starting with my favorite. We planned and then put on a magic show for my husband when he got home from work. It was so FUN! My sweet 3 year old was hysterical. He was so giddy when he was on the couch as part of the audience but then when it was his turn he got very professional and explained everything well and in an announcer voice. Precious.

 The ole' paper clip trick. My boys could not get over how cool it was when the paper clips "magically" stick together.
 We colored a fish on one side and a fish bowl on the other. When he twirled it around fast it looked like to fish was in the bowl.
 The ole' poke the balloon with a pin but it doesn't pop trick ( thanks to clear tape).
 My baby loved it! He got so excited :)
 The finale was my oldest showing how you can walk through an 8 1/2 x 11 piece of paper.
 Life size self portraits

We got some paper from Roberts Craft that you can buy by the foot ( or yard, I can't remember now. . .). I call it butcher paper but that's not what it is really called. We had the kids lay down and we traced around them. This was my favorite part because they tried so hard to hold still but they thought the tracing tickled.

My 3 year old drew a baby because he felt bad our little guy got left out.
 We hung these in the downstairs hall right outside their room.

 Pictionary with dry erase board

I don't have a picture for this one. We have played it numerous times this winter and I always get wrapped up in the game and forget to take some. The first couple times we played it we used a dry erase board on an easel. The kids started fighting over who got to erase and we went through almost a whole thing of baby wipes. So after that I went to Wal-Mart and bout a giant sketch pad and that was better. We let the littlest pick what ever he wanted to draw and the rest of us picked cards from the game. We didn't use the game board and we didn't keep score. We just took turns drawing and it was a blast!

Tape city

I have actually posted this before but it was back before I launched this site and didn't have any followers :) This is a favorite at our house. We do it often and the only pictures I have are from like 6 years ago. It happens often enough that it is common place and i don't think to take pictures.
Use masking tape and create roads on the floor. If you have hardwood floors use painters tape. It isn't as sticky. Then use any buildings to create a city. My boys like to build buildings out of legos too. It is surprising how long this keeps them happy. I usually keep it up for at least a few days.

Swimming. . . in the tub 

My boys miss the pool in the winter. So I let them get their swimming suits and goggles on and play in the tub. My oldest has out grown this but it is still fun for the younger ones. I just go into it knowing my floors are going to get wet. I put towels down before they start. 
*Never leave them unattended* ( I figure that is a no brainer but thought I should put it out there anyway)


  1. I love Tape City! My boys would have a blast with all their hot wheels!! If we every get a snow day, we will have to try that:)

  2. Even I love the tape city! We have a big play mat and May be I will glue the masking tape on that. My daughter and I created a DIY fishing game during winter days.

    If possible please have a look

  3. You have great ideas! It's great to be creative when it comes to kids!

    I am a new follower! Please come visit me!

  4. S.O. F.U.N!!! My girls would love for you to be their Mom!! ;)

  5. Thanks for the great ideas. I love the tape to build roads on the floor. We have been iced in, and this is just thing that will intertain my two kids.

  6. Hey I just wanted to let yo know I actually tried this tape city. My chilren Loved it. Thanks for such a great Idea. I posted it on my blog and linked you to it.

    Thanks again!

  7. Hi,

    I just wanted to let you know that we created the tape city on a Blanket. So that I can fold it after the hours of play. Thanks for the great idea. I have linked your post in my blog post.

    Thanks for Sharing!
