
Friday, February 4, 2011

I am such a dork!

So all along I thought I had a thing on my side bar for email subscriptions. It turns out I had 2 things for RSS feed! Just goes to show you how much I still need to learn about blogging! I would have never known if it were not for the fact that I was trying to figure out how to make cute buttons for RSS, email, and FB. I have been able to design and do a lot with my blog on my own ( + photoshop) but I didn't know how to make the buttons for those things AND have them all by each other. So Casey from Hot Bliggity Blog helped me out! Thanks!
And now I REALLY do have email subscriptions available! 


  1. All of this blogging stuff is hard to figure out! It took me months and months to get my blog looking like it does now. So glad for you! :)

  2. Well, I must be a REAL dork, because I still have a whole lot to learn and sometimes feel overwhelmed :) but I am still smiling. I pray as I go along it gets easier. You have accomplished quite a lot, doing this whole blog on your own. Now I am off to try and figure out a blog header with photos and maybe a navbar.
    Have a great weekend

  3. My blog is so basic and I'm too scared to try anything new in fears I will stuff something up! Good on you for making changes.

  4. You Got An Award!
    I just awarded you with the Stylish Blogger Award!

    I listed you as one of 13 of the coolest blogs I follow!

    You can go to my blog for details!

    Thanks for having such a cool blog!


    To Accept The Award you must:
    1.)Thank and Link Back to the Blogger Who Awarded You With
    2.)Share 7 Things About Yourself
    3.)Award 12 Recently Discovered Great Bloggers
    4.)Contact The Bloggers Inform Them of The Award

  5. I have troubles with the blogging thing too! I am a new follower and would love for you to visit my blog! I am just starting out and any followers would be much appreciated and followed back!

    Z's Space Reviews

  6. Looks great! I have googled and googled to figure out that very thing and still can't get it.

  7. ummm, I did something similar, so don't feel bad. I had 2 different places to sign up for email notifications; my (fab!) blog designer pointed it out. OOPS! *blush*
