
Friday, February 11, 2011

Over the shoulder boulder holder

Me: I need a magic bra.
Sales lady: Hmmm. I don't think we carry that brand.
Me: No, like an actual magic bra.
Sales lady: (deer in headlight look) Ummm.
Me: Okay. Do you have something that will make my DDs look like Cs???
Sales lady:  (Laughs. Small polite laugh, but a laugh just the same) Let me show you what we DO have. . .

I really had no idea what bra size I was. After nursing 4 babies and fluctuating in weight, I just didn't know. I usually order mine online to save me the trouble of actually going shopping (eww). What I DID know, was that the bras I had were not supporting me. So I ended up being fitted. Keep in mind I hate shopping and that just driving by malls makes me break out in hives. And I can't get the pretty Victoria Secret bras. Nope. I need the granny kind. The ones with the thick padded straps and like 9 million hooks in the back. Don't worry, (cause I now you were) I have prettier ones for when they are needed. I have four kids after all. . .  but for everyday, all day wear I need all the support I can get!
(As I am typing this I am totally picturing my mother-in-law reading this!) Hi Clara!!!

I needed new bras anyway, but there is an extra reason I want my girls to look their best ( AKA smallest). My FB friends know why. . .
But I survived the experience. I was pretty proud of myself too. In, fitted, tried on, bought, and outta there in about 20 minutes.

(I know this post was totally random)


  1. well with a post like that, how I could I NOT go be your FB fan (hmm, thought I already was - but now I am for sure.... )

  2. So... share the brand... I can never find any that fit right!

  3. BALI Satin Tracings Minimizer
    I love it!

  4. I have the same problem! I know how you feel. I hate, hate bra shopping. I love the VS undies, yet gag when I have to look at the pictures of stick skinny girls in A and B cup bras. :)

  5. Those of us with A cups are looking for a C look, too. ;) One of my good friends had hers reduced to a C. She said it was a very painful recovery, but she's ecstatic with the results.

  6. I loved the mother-in-law part...I needed a good laugh today, THANKS! Random Post or not, your blog is great!!

  7. hahaha ... nice... I need one that would make my used to be C's and now floppy A look perkey like they used to :-(

  8. Ugh... I've never gotten fitted and know that I should! Maybe I'll try the brand your recommended first. Thanks for the laugh!

  9. FINALLY! I have the thing(s) that everyone else wants! I am so happy, I have C's that, after 2 kids, are not at my knees yet.

  10. I have the same problem... When we have big girls bra shopping just isn't fun... I really chuckled at your post this morning ;)

    Semalee @ Nailing Jello to a Tree
