
Friday, March 11, 2011

It's baaaack!

If you were a huge fan of this then you were as upset as I was when it disapeared from store shelves. I researched it and there was no answer to be found. It was just gone. I had to buy it online and it was pricey! But I noticed it is back on the shelves!!!!!!! I HATE to iron. This is magic wonderful stuff. And the smell is FANTASTIC. I pack it for trips too. Cause there is nothing worse than pulling out all those clothes that were crammed into the suitcase and having them all wrinkled. Who wants to use the crappy hotel iron and have to iron on a vacation??? Not me. P.S. I am sooooooo not being paid for this. They are not a sponsor. I just wanted to share a favorite thing with you.So go look for it. But it doesn't look like this anymore.......

It looks like this.


  1. YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! this is the best day ever!!!!!!

  2. I will have to give this a try. I have a new clothes line (I am tickled pink) and I want to hang out t-shirts and things, but I don't want to iron them either. Can't stand wrinkles! Maybe this will work on them?

  3. Wow. With as many moves I've been through, spending hours ironing clothes that had been shoved in a suit case, you think I would have heard of this before. Thank you so much for sharing. We have a trip coming up soon and I will definitely be looking for some of this to take with me.

  4. Hooray!!! I always loved that product and was so bummed when I couldn't find it. It's a lifesaver when you leave stuff in the dryer too long (and when you're trying to resist the iron).

  5. I just wanted to say that I love your blog! I wife and photographer...and work out of my house with that. I am a crafter and an artist and love all of this. I just don't have the time with my business anymore like I used to. This is inspiring! I will be following you for sure! Nice to meet you blogger buddy!

    Heather xoxo

  6. Yay! Thanks for the heads up! I love Downy wrinkle releaser, and was hoarding when I couldn't find any and am down to my last bottle. Way better than ironing.

  7. I love this stuff, too, and when I couldn't find it I decided to make my own! I use the same spray bottle as original stuff and put one tablespoon of fabric softener and fill with water. It works.

  8. Hi Stacy!

    I'm right there with you about hating to iron. Just wanted to let you know I've been doing this for years.(wish I'd patented the idea!) You can really just use a spray bottle of straight water and it does the same thing. However, I kind of like the smell of the softener, so I will add a bit of regular Downy softener to my spray bottle and you'll get the same effect! Just hang your clothes and spray away the wrinkles! And sooo much cheaper! Hope you like my idea!

    LOVE your blog by the way!
    Blessings to you,
    Vickie White

  9. Vickie,

    I have tried straight water and it never works as well but I like the idea of using fabric softener. It sounds like a great idea and a lot cheaper too! I will have to give it a try. Thanks!


  10. I have to confess...I almost NEVER iron anymore. This stuff works so well, and I couldn't survive without it! I've always been able to buy it, though. It did disappear from a few stores, but I've always been able to buy it at Target and our local Macey's grocery store. I don't know what I would have done if it had disappeared from my life. Heaven forbid I should actually iron!

  11. P.S. Be careful when making your own with regular fabric softener. Downey can stain your clothes if it's not properly diluted. :)

  12. agreed! I hate ironing and to be honest I can't remember the last time I did...I'm a throw it in the drier for 10 minutes kinda girl. Feel free to check out my blog at
