
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Studio 5 clip

So my day was a bit crazy. I knew it was going to be a rough one when my baby pooped in the tub. I was trying to hurry and get ready and then had to disinfect him and the tub and then me. My sister came with me and while driving to Salt Lake, someone cut us off and to avoid an accident she slammed on the brakes. My tall lamp went flying and broke in half! I was dying. We were already running a tich late as it was. We stopped at the closest Home Depot (good thing there was one at every exit) and I bought some 1 minute epoxy. We go running into the studio late and with a broken lamp. Nice. I am frazzled and trying not to hyperventilate. I was able to glue it back together and it is actually stronger than before. Everyone was really nice. When it was all over I was able to relax. I am home and all I want to do is take a nap!!!


  1. broke on the way - yikes!! just watched the clip - you did great!

  2. You did a fabulous job. No one would ever know about your sna-fu!

  3. Good job Stacy! You look like you belong there.

  4. It was great Stacy! You looked and sounded really comfortable. I think you're getting to be a pro! Can't believe what you dealt with before you got there--yikes!

  5. You were graet...calm and cool as a cucumber! Don't you just hate it when babies poop in the tub??

  6. Good job! The lamp breaking in the car would totally be something that would happen to me! You looked great and very under control. Good job!

  7. You did amazing and I couldn't even tell you were frazzled! You looked a lot more comfortable this time around. It's going to get easier and easier... WAY TO GO!!

  8. You did a great job, and the segment was a lot of fun! I loved how excited Darin was about the project. :)

  9. You did such a great job! I would have been hyperventilating when the floor lamp broke, but you didn't look frazzled at all.

  10. You did awesome on TV! Everyone is going to make those lamps now. What a great idea:)

  11. That looks like so much fun to make! Thanks for the great idea. I saw in the clip you had a USU shirt on. GO Aggies!!

  12. Good job - your lamps are spectacular! I'm a huge paisley fan too - how fun to meet a fellow Utah blogger.
