
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Show Me What Ya Got #14..... Brought to you by CSN!

Happy Tuesday!!! I am so excited to see what you have to share this week. I noticed last week we had a few repeats. Try not to link up something you have already linked up here in the past. Lets keep things new :)

I had the opportunity to pick something from CSN to review. This was my first review since I normally do giveaways. It was fun to shop around their 200+ stores and I would have loved to get something to decorate with but the practical part of me won this time. I have never had a food processor before. I know, right??? Crazy. And now that I have used this one I have NO IDEA how I managed all these years with out one. I bottle salsa for crying out loud! Huge giant pots of salsa. And every little thing is hand chopped. I get blisters.  But I am actually looking forward to canning season this year :)
My kids' favorite thing was to watch it grate cheese. Their little eyes bugged out when they saw how quickly it worked. And when we went to the store my 4 year old wanted to buy all the vegetables so we could slice and chop them when we got home. Hey, anything that gets your kids to eat veggies is A OK with me! My favorite part is that it holds 10 cups worth of food. I love it! And it came quickly in the mail which was a plus. I am not very patient so waiting for a package is torture. So thank you CSN!!!
Now for the linky:)

*Do not link up giveaways or etsy shops. Just projects you have done please.

* Please link up a max of 2 projects

* Please don't link up something you have already linked up here in the past.

*Link to the specific post and not to the main page of your blog.

*Also, please visit at least 2 other links and leave a comment. We all love comments!

I am not going to require that you become a follower in order to participate, but it is easier. I participate in so many linky parties that it helps to have a reminder. I just scroll through my blog roll and click right on to which ever sites have a party that day. Just something to think about :)
If you don't know how to link up I created a post with pictures and instructions. There is a link on my side bar.

Please spread the word about this linky party. The more links, the more we all are inspired. Add this button to the bottom of your post, side bar, or add this party to your list. I am not picky. Just put it somewhere! Thanks.


  1. Thanks for hosting! I linked up my Farmhouse Whitewashed Eggs

  2. Thanks for hosting a great party!

    I linked up my Nutter Butter balls...your new HUGE food processor would be perfect for it...I am kind of jealous yours can hold 10 cups though!! :)


  3. Don't you love CSN? They ship things so quickly and have just everything you could possibly want or need. Thanks for hosting this party each week.

  4. congratulations on getting a food processor. Love that! Don't have one - yet, so I'll have to live vicariously through you, lol! Thanks for hosting another great party!!


  5. Thank you so much for hosting!

    I'm a new follower (link # 109 & 110). I would love for you to stop by sometime!

    Warm Wishes,

  6. love the rosetes and the cookie cutters!

  7. Thanks for hosting. WOW, you are getting a lot of links to this party! :-)

  8. linked up my aunt's secret chocolate chip cookie recipe! seriously the best cookies i have ever tasted in my life!

    thanks for hosting!

  9. I've been a follower, but this is my first time linking up!

    Thanks for hosting. :)


  10. Love love love! Thanks for hosting!

  11. I've been lurking for a while now, finding lots of great ideas on your blog. Well, today, for the first time, I linked up! So exciting! You can find me at Thanks for hosting. I am so excited about linking up - a few weeks ago, I didn't even know what a linky party was!

  12. Thank you so much for hostessing!
