
Friday, November 12, 2010

Favorites - Furniture Edition

So all 6 of us at our house became violently ill yesterday and even though I feel slightly better, all my projects have been put on hold. So I am going to feature some of my favorite furniture finds from blogland.

I want this hutch! Jennifer from painted and distressed this kitchen hutch and I am green with envy! Check out her site to see more pictures and an explanation on how she did it.

Anne from Get Your Martha On built this primitive jelly cabinet. When she couldn't find one that was in her budget, she just made one herself! That's my kind of woman :) Check out her site for more pics.

Red is my favorite color so you know I was instantly drawn to this dressing table. Chrissie from Chrissie's Collections painted this find. You have to check out her site to see how it looks with the top open! She has lots of pictures and it is worth it to go and see.

I want to live on a farm. I want to have a big dining room with a big 'ole farm house table. So I drooled over this one that Kirsty and her husband MADE. She even have detailed pictures in a tutorial. And we all know how much I love tutorials! You have to go see it! Check it out at A little Bit of Sanity and A Lot of Chaos.

Julie at  Less Than Perfect Life of Bliss painted this thrift find desk and chair. You should see the before pics! I love the color. Great job!

Well, I am off to veg in my favorite chair in between trips to the Porcelain God. Have a great Friday!


  1. Hey Stacy tomorrow is fine. I am just not getting your emails for some reason. I'm sorry! its I'll check my spam.

  2. Thanks so much for featuring my dressing table! All of these pieces are wonderful!

  3. Thanks for the feature! I want to live on a farm too. Bit, I don't want a farmer's hours!

  4. I have that desk!!! You've got me thinking of a makeover now... :)

  5. Aww...being sick is no fun...hope you feel better soon! Thanks for the inspiration!


  6. Thanks for featuring my desk, Stacy! Hope you are feeling better!!!
